Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Fuck Politics... Let's Dance!!


The Masked Vigilante said...

Hi all,

I've been to hell and back since I last checked in regularly, 4 or 5 months ago. Had to go through a bit of a thing there, but I'm back.

So out of touch with the world, but not going to TLC to catch up. I'm not interested in fighting about it, but I am curious.

So how's trix?

gone said...

You didn't miss much! Lots of griping, lots o' laughs, same old same old. Glad to see you back and dancin' up a storm! Woohoo!

snark said...

Good to hear from you MV.

On a personal note, my mom is very ill. Cancer. And not the kind you get better from.

Hug your loved ones. Everyday.

gone said...

Gosh, I'm so sorry, snark! Oh dear. Whatever good karma I have stored is sent in you and your family's direction, plus comfort hugs.

Aw, man. Take care, big guy! Shit!

snark said...


gone said...

Email if you need to vent or anything - wish I could do something, but at least I've got an ear if you gotta get shit out...

Fookin' sucks.

The Masked Vigilante said...

I'm sorry to hear that, snark. Does she live near you?

Seven of Six said...

Sorry to hear the bad news snark. Sending out the good vibes your way. Hang in there...

And here I was gonna bitch about Chase bank raising my monthly minimum payment from 2% to 5% but that makes it seem silly. But with over 10K owed, it really is crushing the already maxed out. Time to look for a new bank and card.

gone said...

Fookin' Chase, hate 'em. Do one o' them balance transfer thingies, that'll teach 'em. I've been getting more and more of those in the mail after a short couple months where they stopped. Looks like the money people are feeling better, eh? They got bailed out and didn't have to create a single job. Now, that's working the refs, eh? I shoulda been born a banker...

And what a goof that Sanford is, huh? Buenos Aires? So, she-male visit, plastic surgery, or another lie. Whaddaya think?

snark said...

Thanks MV & SoS.

Yeah, she and my dad still live in the house I grew up in. About 40 minutes from where I am now. Fortunately my brother and sister also live locally. We've been taking turns helping out my dad and visiting while she was in the hospital. She'll be going home to their house today and will have home hospise care.

gone said...

My gramma recently died at home with hospice care; those people are angels, I tell ya. I'm so glad your family will be there for each other and your mom and dad.

snark said...

Sometimes I wonder if I'm the only one who's not cheating on his wife.

The Masked Vigilante said...

Sometimes I wonder if I'm the only one who's not cheating on his wife.

You're not. But we might be the only two. SoS is a stand-up guy, so I bet that makes three.

The Masked Vigilante said...

Although I've never met an Agentinian woman, so that might work to my advantage.

gone said...

What are you, weird?

But yeah. Every time my boss comes into town, he goes to get a "haircut." My co-worker and I wink at each other. What? They don't have barbers in his state? Uh huh.

gone said...

SoS is a stand-up guy, so I bet that makes three.

And like snark, he's got a gorgeous wife, so it'd be pretty dumb to stray! And I daresay, ShopGirl's pretty dang cute, as well...

Seven of Six said...

Sanford is a scumbag... over Father's Day weekend to boot!

And here I was gonna say he probably went on a week long binge drinking episode.

Most men are plain dogs. I've had problems in my past... mostly, unforgivable drunken behavior... yet, my wife forgave me. And that's between us two.

What can I say... I was real insecure and literally mentally ill.

The Masked Vigilante said...

Every time my boss comes into town, he goes to get a "haircut."

"Haircut" is man-code for "Rub 'n Tug".

And I daresay, ShopGirl's pretty dang cute, as well...

You daresay correctly, sir. But it's not just that, of course. Pretty girls get cheated on all the time. So do handsome men. It's a matter of character.

snark said...

It's a matter of character.

We prefer nurse/patient.

Sometimes pirate/mermaid.

Seven of Six said...

It's a matter of character.

You're right... I was completely out of character... it was early in my marriage... no excuses, at the time I did not know if I wanted to be married or raise a child. At least I wasn't a politician with a whole state I was responsible for.

Seven of Six said...

Snark you are fortunate that you have siblings to help with your Mom. Your Dad probably needs a lot help... I wish the best for you and your family.

The Masked Vigilante said...

Sometimes pirate/mermaid.

Or maybe sometimes "dead girl by the side of the road."


It's Alec Baldwin's joke, not mine.

snark said...

Or maybe sometimes "dead girl by the side of the road."

Wonderfully filthy bastard!

The Masked Vigilante said...

Wonderfully filthy bastard!

Put... that coffee... down.


gone said...

I like the pirate/mermaid one. What about Princess Leia/Han Solo? Or even PeeWee/Dottie??

The Masked Vigilante said...

Too many costumes required.

gone said...

But only for a little while, eh?

The Masked Vigilante said...

One of the great things about a comic book convention. You can always count on some girl showing up in the Princess Leia slave costume.

gone said...

Well, at least that chick carries it off fairly successfully, huh? Good for her. Admit it, you're tempted to bicker with her just a little, aren't you?

The Masked Vigilante said...

Bicker with her? Not really. I would like to ask what she's thinking, though. Comic book conventions are not great places to meet guys. So why walk around mostly naked, only to get gawked at (and photographed) by nerds?

Does she get off on that? That's what I'm curious about.

The Masked Vigilante said...

Republicans never cease to crack me up. Fookin' Sanford is crying at press conferences, his poorly written love emails are showing up in the papers, and then there's the statement from his wife that reads like a scene from "The Ten Commandments."

Fook all that. When's the Argentinean chick gonna be in Playboy??

gone said...

I was thinking of the Han Solo/Leia bickering as foreplay, but I guess she must get off on being gawked at. Or she just likes showing off what she's got. I haven't read Sanford's wife's statement, but it looks so far like a really messy divorce gone international. Buncha dorks. I'm thinking Maria will figure out that being the other woman can mean a springboard to fame. Of course, isn't she married as well?

The Masked Vigilante said...

Yeah, I got what you meant by "bickering" on my way to work this morning. It would be fun to have her call me a "scoundrel." 8)

I haven't watched Bill Maher in a long time, but I caught a repeat of the latest episode yesterday and there was a lot of good discussion about the hypocracy of the 'Pukes and sex.

They're so holier than thou until they get busted, and then they cry for the cameras and preach the sanctity of this or that and pray for redemption and blah blah blah.

When Clinton got busted, he said, "No I didn't."

Something like 80 percent of men cheat and 60 percent of women. That's probably not even close. It's probably more. Those are just the ones who admit it.

If I was living a repressed, Christian, Republican life with a repressed, Christian, Republican wife and I met this girl from Argentina who is probably very hot... Something's gotta give.

I dunno. It's complicated, yet so simple. Like Dennis Quaid says in "In Good Company":

"You just pick the right one to be in the foxhole with, and then when you're outside of the foxhole you keep your dick in your pants."

And for fook's sake, don't say you're walking the freakin' Appalachian Trail when you're in Buenos Aires. That's just stupid.

The Masked Vigilante said...

Oh, and can I just say I don't give a flying fuck who John and Kate are? There's a phenomenon I've managed to completely avoid.

snark said...

Dear god yes! Who gives a flying fuck about those two? I was fortunate enough to have never heard of them until the "marriage trouble" speculation started. I liken the whole phenomena to ancient Romans bringing a picnic lunch to the Coliseum to watch some poor bastards get torn to shreads by wild animals. We're just a sick sick species it seems.

gone said...

No kidding! Who was it on the blogs who said that "American Idol" is the new Coliseum? So true. A friend of mine actually watched the Kate/8 thingy when I stayed at her house, and she was all "Oh, Kate treats him like shit, blah blah," all into the drama of it. But then, her cable pretty much stays in the Lifetime range of channels - ugh. She watches those "real housewives" things too. Oy! I couldn't watch 5 minits. So insipid and scripted. Who gives a shit what these people are doing? Well, I suppose a lot of idiots, huh?

The Masked Vigilante said...

Anything Jon and Kate do, it's the #1 most popular story on CNN.com.

Not like there's anything ELSE going on in the world.

People at work have been talking about it, and they never talk about TV. Not even "Idol".

I'm at a loss.

And yeah, Shopgirl watched one of those "Real Housewives" shows on Bravo. I caught a few minutes of one. None of them is attractive. Or interesting. And they all fight constantly.

Thanks, but no thanks. I'd rather watch the inside of my eyelids.

gone said...

I'd rather watch Colbert, really, he's on fire.

But yeah, I can't look at any of those "reality" shows, because I frankly don't care about the intimate (and made up) thoughts of attention whore strangers who have no business being on tv, much less thrust into my unwilling awareness. But it appears a buttload of our citizens love that shit. My friend, f'rinstance. I think it's not just the stupids who want their 15 minutes, and the stupids who watch them, it's the memememe culture coming out of the '80s and '90s bloated out of proportion and turned into entertainment. It's the voyeuristic culture of needing to know what's happening in our neighbor's pants RIGHT NOW DAMMIT! come to its logical conclusion. It's the "it ain't real unless it's on tv" mentality in hyperdrive. Fookin' humans and their inability to moderate their own behaviour while simultaneously busting on their neighbors' inability to moderate their behaviour in exactly the same way, then turning that into a tv show. Stupid humans and their stupid nonsense, eh?

BTW, I had to harvest my peas since the wind knocked 'em over - the sweetest, best tasting peas evah! And you can eat them, pod and all. Yummy!

The Masked Vigilante said...

I think I may have put this quote up here before, but it bears repeating.

"Television hangs on the questionable theory that whatever happens anywhere should be sensed everywhere. If everyone is going to be able to see everything, in the long run all sights may lose whatever rarity value they once possessed, and it may well turn out that people, being able to see and hear practically everything, will be specially interested in almost nothing."

--E. B. White

snark said...

This is too funny. Palin complaining about the "desecration" of a photo of her dear "special needs" prop....errr...I mean child.

Desecration? Word choice is interesting sometimes.

gone said...

I'm not sure I agree with that all the way, because I just watched a nice special on Macchu Picchu, and it's not like I'll ever get to go there, so I'm grateful I can see it on tv. And it's still up to the individual to moderate their intake - blaming tv for just being there is like blaming a bridge abutment for getting all into your bumper after you've had one too many brewskis.

gone said...

So, like, the young prop is a holy relic? Desecration by a degenerate.

Fookin' Palin's just pissed that Sanford took away her spotlight. Of course, they tie in all liberal activists, and Obama, hitting all the usual Mother (only republican ones, natch) as beatific talking points. Stupid bitch. Why won't she just go away?

Seven of Six said...

Besides the GOP men, I think GOP women like Palin, Bachman and that Davis woman from MO are just plain nuts.

It was OK for Palin to use her kids as props for family values during the election but now they are completely off limits. You created the opening Sarah, you're in the public eye, get used to it.

Bachman is on some rant about her opposition to the Census because it's tied to ACORN and that is how the Japanese were interned (TPM). Fucking weird or what?

Davis writes an Op-ed and claims she is misquoted and her words are distorted. WTF? How can you be misquoted and your words be distorted if you write the fucking column?

Regarding Sanford, who else in this world wouldn't be shown the door if they left their job for 5 days and didn't report in. That's called, "A no call, no show" in my book. Let alone the fact if a State emergency was to come up and he's missing? Tornado, Al Qaeda invasion on the shores of South Carolina, something blows up, zombies take over... WTF? And he does it over Father's Day weekend... that's is the lowest of lows.

I hear Ensign is still more popular than Reid in Nevada... because at least they know Ensign has a pair of balls. Unlike Reid who let's the GOP run roughshod over him in the Senate. Weak ass Majority leader!

I got Colbert DVR'ed, gonna have to watch it. Thanks for the heads up Twinky.

gone said...

Of course, the GOP and fundies especially like to put women up on pedestals so they can look up their dresses. But really, like everything else, women are black/white, madonna/whore for the GOP and fundies. Wives are for spewing out kids and looking purty for the cameras, and their whores are for the dirty dirty sex they can't get with their angel wives. It's a pretty fucked up mentality. Palin is standing on the fence in the madonna/whore category, wearing fuck me red high heels while spewing "Mah Special Needs Kid Proves I'm Morally Superior by his very existence!!" Which is why Todd's always, always lurking over her shoulder like a body guard. He knows she'll fuck her way to the top if she has to, and the threat of that is what keeps the guys lusting after her.

The Masked Vigilante said...

And it's still up to the individual to moderate their intake

True. Although I wish I could moderate it for them. 8)

Any medium (art form, not psychic) has 95% crap, and you have to dig a little deeper to find the good stuff. Most people just aren't that interested. The average person still listens to the music they listened to in high school. Cuz that was the last time they felt cool.

I don't know whether to say "most people love crap" or "most people just accept crap because they're too lazy to find something of value."

Regarding Sanford, who else in this world wouldn't be shown the door if they left their job for 5 days and didn't report in.

Good point. I had forgotten he was missing there for a while. And when they finally track him down, he's like, "Oh yeah. Sorry. I.. uh... decided to walk the Appalachian Trail without telling anyone."

OH FUCK! Farrah Fawcett died!!

gone said...

As for Sanford, I watched a lot of his "confession" on Maddow and Olberman, what a fucking Shame-gasm that was, huh? If you wanted to keep this thing out of the papers, you don't pull such a flimsy stunt designed to get all the press speculating on the promise of titillation.

gone said...

Wow! I knew she was really sick, but dang. Poor Farrah!

The Masked Vigilante said...

But really, like everything else, women are black/white, madonna/whore for the GOP and fundies.

Totally. Jeff and I have a cousin who believes the secret to marriage is the wifey has to give up the boo-tay on demand.

He actually says this shit. Out loud, and often.

Women are like cattle to these guys.

gone said...

the secret to marriage is the wifey has to give up the boo-tay on demand.

There are wingnut pundits who have been pushing this line hard for years - Sadly No laughs at them all the time. These guys put it in print and publishers let it go out!

Of course, the madonna/whore dichotomy is firmly fixed in our culture, especially the fundies, but even in the wider culture, where you got boobies bouncing all over the tv screen and then the morality police screeching about it, getting the boobies more attention. Our culture is pathological, I think.

The Masked Vigilante said...

Our culture IS pathological, and it's all coming from sexual repression. And the rest is from other kinds of repression.

Europe has always had it right. No drinking age, nudity all over the place -- takes the "forbidden fruit" aspect away from it.

In America, we're just a bunch of scared little Sunday School brats peeking through the keyhole and thinking it makes us evil.

gone said...

Exactly. We need to fookin' grow up and embrace the boobies! There's nuthin' to be ascairt of!

The Masked Vigilante said...

embrace the boobies!

(waiting patiently for snark to do something with this high, arching lob...)

snark said...

...high, arching lob...

and ...embrace the boobies!

Well that paints a picture spattered with rather vivid color.

gone said...

Heh, me, too.

gone said...

Whoops, snark snags the boobies in a flash!

The Masked Vigilante said...

And doesn't disappoint.

I wanna see boobies everywhere I look. Enough of this Puritanical bullshit.

snark said...

I wanna see boobies everywhere I look.


The Masked Vigilante said...

It's like the argument against legalizing pot. Suddenly everybody's gonna be a pothead.


If heroin was made legal today, I still wouldn't have any interest in trying it. If boobies were bared everywhere I look, I wouldn't be running around trying to motorboat every pair.

Aren't you tired of being treated like a fucking child in this culture?

gone said...

I wouldn't be running around trying to motorboat every pair.

Ha! But you'd be thinkin' it!

But man, just through daily human contact, I'd say that there are a lot of children in this country. Fookin' customers call up and want us to decide what they need to order, expect us to get it there when they need it, without saying when they need it. We've had to dumb down our software so they don't have to learn anything. Even my co workers who have been selling the software for years haven't bothered learning it, or their own computers, and constantly run to me for every pop up. We are a country of fookin' kids - spoiled goddamn brats, I tells ya!

There are boobies everywhere you look, just not the good kind!

The Masked Vigilante said...

Well, yeah. People are spoiled because we're all treated like kids.

Ah, fuck it. I should just move to France. This place is heading into "Idiocracy" so fast I don't know what it would take to stop it.

Speaking of France, look what came up on my Useless Trivia Calendar today:

MAFIA is an acronym for Morte Alla Francia Italia Anela, or "Death to the French is Italy's Cry."


gone said...

Huh. Never knew that! And yeah, my son is looking for opportunities abroad, cos he's sick of dumb people here in the US. Don't blame him, and I hope he's successful so I can go live with him!

Seven of Six said...

the secret to marriage is the wifey has to give up the boo-tay on demand.

"The Handmaid's Tale" I tells ya!
That is just wrong.

I could go for some boobies and living abroad. I really am sick of politics in AZ, the repukes are killing us here.

BTW, I did the balance transfer thingy... next is change and then close my acount w/Chase... then change my mortgage. Betraying fuckers, I won't give them any opportunities to shit on me again... not after everyone bailed them out!
I still can't believe they were asking for so much, so soon. Crap, I could see increasing it to 3% but 5%? Who can afford an increase in payment per month from 200 to 500 bucks.

gone said...

Good for you, SoS! They want to fuck with ya? Then fuck 'em! Bastids!

Seven of Six said...

Have to admit I thought Farrah was damn good looking... my roomates on the other hand bought the posters, thought she was a Godess.

Now Michael Jackson has been sent to the Hospital with cardiac arrest.

Just came back from watching Transformers 2... long ass movie, 2 1/2 hours. Some really slow scenes... almost fell asleep.

Seven of Six said...

How's that Illinois weather MV?

Yesterday was the hottest day of the year, 108 melting degrees. Today's all nice, cloud cover, might get some showers... 100 something.

gone said...

Yeah, the Michael Jackson thing's going around the office. Now, there's a mortician's nightmare!

The Masked Vigilante said...

The weather in Illinois is too fucking hot and humid. Hating it.

Michael's prolly dead. Meh. The tribute frenzy will be annoying.

Seven of Six said...

Yeah, and Farrah will get bumped off the front page.

Seven of Six said...

Woo-Hoo 69!

snark said...

Wow! The gloved one is dead. Takin' the last long moonwalk.

Yeah, we'll be bombarded with tributes about how he was the greatest entertainer of all time etc etc...oy!

gone said...

Yuk. I guess it's time for dvds!

gone said...

My gawd! I checked out Olberman to see a shot of an ambulance, and Olberman intoning, "This is the vehicle that last contained Michael Jackson, where it's not known whether the paramedics had revived him en route..."

Click. Sanford owes MJ his life, man. And fookin' Congress is breathing a sigh of relief as well - some of the heat's off on the health care debate. Oh yeah, this is going to stretch out until the recess. And poor Farrah, as well, though I'll bet the Iran ruling class are happy to have the spotlight turned away. Sheesh.

The Masked Vigilante said...

I know we all thought "Thriller" was great and all, but let's not forget the guy was a fucking pedophile who had enough money to buy off his accusers.

That's what I'll be thinking when Justin Timberlake is speaking solemnly at the Grammys.

gone said...

And then moved to Bahrain or some such so he could get kids cheaper and with less hassle. But I read that in his will, he gave Paul McCartney the rights back to Beatles songs. That was nice, if true.

gone said...

And I didn't think Thriller was all that great as a song, though it was notable as one of the first long form music videos, and for the unprecedented hype when it debuted. Of the mega-arena stars of that era - MJ, Madonna and Prince, I think Prince was the only one who stayed kinda cool. And of the earlier generation, I'd say David Bowie is still as cool as he was back then.

gone said...

OMG, I just looked in again and the helicopter's still filming over the hospital and I finally got it, they spent three hours watching the hospital so they could see MJ's body carted away. You should have heard the gasp from Olberman and then some guy was babbling on about the world moving in the helicopter wash in a shock wave. But he was smiling. You'da thunk Gandhi died. Sheeit!

The Masked Vigilante said...

I read that in his will, he gave Paul McCartney the rights back to Beatles songs.

Oh, I hope that's true.

Another thing I remembered about Michael last night. The accusing parents that he bought off -- I remember reading that MJ sent some thugs around to intimidate them.

I bet the parents were met with the cold facts. Somebody prolly told them, "Look. OJ got off. So will Michael. You take this settlement for 90 kajillion dollars or we'll bankrupt you on this case and win anyway. And those big black dudes that have been parked outside your house? They'll terrorize you 24/7 for the next 20 years."

Still, I hope those parents are enjoying that money. Their kid's life was destroyed, but at least they got paid for it. I wonder what the price tag is for letting your kid get buggered by a rich freak and walking away.

I never bought "Thriller". Wasn't my thing. Never been a fan.

You'da thunk Gandhi died.

Yeah. That's gonna go on for a while. He wasn't Gandhi. He wasn't Elvis, either.