Sunday, April 26, 2009

Classic Elvis Laughing His Ass Off

I guess there was a bald guy in the first few rows, then he gets the giggles but the backup singer keeps at it, which just makes him laugh harder!! CLASSIC!!


gone said...

Well, hey, MV, long time no see! Hope all is well with you.

snark said...

The Day The Earth Stood Still might actually be the worst film I've ever seen. Some cool visual effects but they in no way make up for everything else about the movie.

gone said...

I'm hearing that everywhere, snark. What a drag! Let's hope Star Trek does better, eh?

So, are you freaking out about a flu pandemic? Heehee. I haven't watched any tv for 3 days, so I've missed all the panic. Gotta be crazy making.

snark said... just keeps cycling different photos of people around the world with their little surgical masks on. Oy!

gone said...

Gad! It's fookin' SARS all over again. People just love worrying, I guess, and the talking head lice just love to give people something to worry about.

Still, you gotta think ma nature's on Obama's side - First Jindal gets spanked by a volcano, and now Collins' is busted by a virus. If they really did believe in gods, instead of pretending, one might think they'd be getting some kinda message by now, eh?

Seven of Six said...

Did you read Ian Welsh's "Economics of a Flu Pandemic" article?

Talk about worst case scenario.

Yeah, me and the wife looked at each other when the news broke last Friday... rolled our eyes... immediately discussed how long it would be before the hate mongers blame the Mexicans.

I do think it will hinder the immigration debate. Lou Dobbs' wet dream.

Love how the repukes stepped in it again... quite the string of bad luck for the dumbos.

Seven of Six said...

I can't believe the bad luck my wife's best friend from work is having: She leaves for Mexico to visit her boyfriend on the day of the swine flu outbreak... now an earthquake just 50 miles north of where she's staying in Acapulco. Gonna be 2 rough weeks.

gone said...

What a bummer! Makes you want to hunker down at home. I wish I could telecommute, but I have to answer phones. Sucks. I hate phones!

But I just got a new camera, though I haven't had a chance to play with it. I can make my own YouTubes! Not that I want to, but hell, I could if I did! Expect pictures of my bean plants soon. Not as cool as paradox's roses *smirk* but still...

Seven of Six said...

I guess the conspiracy theories of the swine flu outbreak passed even my wildest dreams... ru$h says, the outbreak started after Obama's visit to Mexico.


My God, even the Onion can't make this shit up!

And here I was worried they would blame the Mexicans! *wipes tears of laughter from eyes*

WV: thorg
What you get when you combine Thor and the Borg!

The Masked Vigilante said...

Swine flu. Yep. Always gotta be a panic. Without something to panic about, people wouldn't know what to do with themselves.

Shopgirl says there's some YouTube thing going around, probably a hoax, where if you pour Coke on raw pork it produces worms. There's like a hundred videos of people showing it.

Ah, the internets.

The Masked Vigilante said...

Today's Useless Trivia:

Colgate faced a big obstacle marketing toothpaste in Spanish-speaking countries. Colgate translates into the command "go hang yourself."

Bonus Useless Trivia:

The correct response to the Irish greeting "Top of the morning to you" is "And the rest of the day to yourself!"

Just in case.

gone said...

Heehee, I love that trivia calendar!

snark said...

I'm up to 25 lbs lost!

And feeling great!

gone said...

Pretty cool, snark! I just spent 24 hours straight in bed - not flu, something sinusy. I musta lost at least a couple pounds just layin' there.

Seven of Six said...

I like Twinky's diet better.
Snark's sounds like hard work.
But I remember the days of getting on a stationary cycle, sweating, having a towel and water handy, waiting for the endorphins to kick in (that's the part I loved, a natural high). Stretching alot, it was the best I ever felt.

Then the back went out and I've always tried to find that moment again. Wish it was easier for me now.

I've tried cycling but it puts extreme pressure on my left shoulder and back, maybe more stationary cycling would be best, at least I could sit upright longer.
The more I work out, the more the chronic pain flares up. I'm down to walking and since it's getting warm, time to start exercising in the pool.

Snark, can you fill me in on your diet secret? And are you needing a new wardrobe yet?

snark said...

I have been holding off on buying new clothes til I get to where i want to be. Another 15 lbs to go.

Diet wise I cut out most dairy and almost all bread. Limited rice. Eat lots of fruits and veggies. Especially stuff like broccoli, cauliflower, beans, leafy greens. You can basically gorge yourself on that stuff and still lose weight. Your body uses more energy digesting it than it generates calories from it. Eat lots of berries and nuts. Whole foods. No processed crap. Limited meat. Just a bit of chicken with lunch and sometimes fish for dinner. Snacking I have blueberries or blackberries. Maybe some trailmix type stuff. Drink nothing but water except for my one luxury, two glasses of wine at Friday happy hour. Amazingly, after a few weeks of eating like this I don't even get that hungry anymore. Plus, the thought of going on a bender and blowing all this hard work keeps me in line too.

I ride our stationary exercise bike 6 days a week. I'm up to 1 hour a day now. Vary between straight steady time and interval training. Lots of stretching before and after to avoid injury. I might ned to join a gym at this point. I don't really have any at home capacity to do upper body training.

I won't say it hasn't been hard because it has. But damn it feels great.

gone said...

I've never been a fruit eater, and I love the meat, but summers are when I live on the veggies, lots of salad and cheese. Cutting out the processed foods is a huge must, there's no nutrition, even in the "healthy" stuff. I can't cut the breads, that's what I live on, but I've cut eating pretty drastically anyhow, just little snacks like nuts or pretzels thru the day. I can't give up the beer, though, so I'll always have the gut, but fruit juices sans sugar and corn syrup work. Can't wait for my spinach and lettuce and beans and peas to get edible. It's still really cold in the mornings, so they're going slow. Brussels sprouts have sprouted! And I just planted habeneros and cayannes for my son, who loves the hot hot hot. If I get one of each to produce, I'll have enough to last a couple years, prolly. Woohoo!

The Masked Vigilante said...

I might ned to join a gym at this point. I don't really have any at home capacity to do upper body training.Push-ups are free and work most of your upper body. Drop and gimme 20!!

Seven of Six said...

Jeez snark, thanks for the helpful hints on the diet. I'm on my way... I love blackberries and blueberries, and I know their better for me but damn they act like roto-rooter on my system. I'll have to eat more bananas, oranges, apples and handfuls of nuts.

Remember if you do any upper body weight training, I suggest going for tone, muscle weighs alot.

gone said...

Drop and gimme 20!!I used to do pushups all the time, and man, I was pretty buff.

Of course, there aren't a lot of hardbodies to ogle in my house, so the gym might be the place to go...

snark said...

Virgin Mary of the Griddle!"Yes Virginia, there is a Virgin in your pancakes!"Love the photo too.

gone said...

Ha! But they didn't show the griddle!

snark said...

Yes, I know. Makes me suspect it's a fraud.

The Masked Vigilante said...

The Mexican wrestlers seem perplexed. Not entirely convinced.

gone said...

I know, the wrestlers are pretty funny. But I was thinking griddle, as in a li'l flat pan. This thing is a restaurant grill. Frikkin' expensive to just yank and display, eh? Crazy ass godbots!

snark said...

Wow! Is this a powerful anti-domestic abuse spot or what?

gone said...

Painful to watch, snark. Ugh. Anyone who beats up on the weaker should be bobbitized. Over and over again. And buried in the back yard. But that's just me.

Seven of Six said...

No kidding snark and Twinky. I agree completely. Same with pedophiles.

Outrage doesn't say it well enough for me... I don't get the people in this country... how can anyone be satisfied with the beating to death of another human being?

Seven of Six said...

I beat you to it snark, I should have said, "How could anyone be satisfied with the verdict of the beating to death of another human being?"