Saturday, January 31, 2009

So Happy!!!

PS: Taken is an air-tight, kick-ass thriller. It's not Bond and it's not Bourne, and I'm glad.


gone said...

Yay! I'm so happy for you! Woohoo!

And I'm glad the movies a keeper, I was hoping so. Now, I've got to get my ass in gear and go see it, or I'll have to wait for dvd. I've always liked Liam Neeson, glad he's still got it.

gone said...

You guys! I had totally forgotten about the House of Doom until I was forced to sign in again. I almost never shut down my computer, so I rarely have to sign in. Hilarious!

gone said...

Hey, look! A new toy! MV, you can click on the little tools icon next to the youtube thingy and put in keywords to get a strip of vids like Max Headroom, or Monty Python, depending on your mood. Maybe you're having a Beatles day or an REM day or Dmitri Martin day or whatever. Neato, huh?

The Masked Vigilante said...

Now I can go see Star Trek! In May, but still!

gone said...

So the theatre does the headphones thingy all the time? Is this because of your letter to the paper?

gone said...

Okay, new pic...

snark said...

Good for you MV.

Who do I thank for Famke?

Put in a full day. Got home to a bunch of messages asking whether I was having a Super Bowl party or not. How could I say no? Was up til midnight making chili. It's not the Super Bowl without chili.

Have a good one folks.

The Masked Vigilante said...

So the theatre does the headphones thingy all the time? Is this because of your letter to the paper?

What? I'm sorry, I'm staring at the Famke montage. Nice.

Yeah, I wish I could take credit for it, but no. All the theaters in this chain carry headphones.

They're nice and heavy, good solid stuff. However, it's kinda like moving two of the wall speakers up to either side of my head. It's a bit loud, and there's no volume control.

But it enables me to enjoy a movie at the theater. It's not something I'm gonna do too often, but how often is there anything worth seeing at the theater anyway? All the award noms and winners will be on DVD soon.

How could I say no?

This is what I like about you, snark. You're among the living. Have a great day!

Okay, new pic...

I like the one with the little star in the center. It looks like The Universe talking to us.

gone said...

As you wish, MV! And you can change the slideshow to whoever or whatever you want. Some collections are crappy, but Scarlett Johanson was pretty good, though I chose Famke in honor of MV's great movie experience.

Chili, eh? I'm picking up a pizza. It's the simple life for me!

The Masked Vigilante said...

Me too. Something resembling Italian food will be delivered at some point. Of that much I'm sure.

gone said...

Just gotta have that plump, juicy Italian sausage, eh? *smirk* What better time to enjoy it than during a homo-erotic display of artificially muscular men bouncing off each other then patting each others' padded behinds in congratulations over the gain of a few inches!

The Masked Vigilante said...

Whew! I was kicking myself for being so arrogant as to tell an artist how to do his art!

Ninja, please. An artist? I dunno about that. I've always loved to draw and I did some stuff in high school, but I wish I would've studied art in college. I went for English and it never occurred to me to do a double-major or a minor. I should've. I could've used the training and challenging. Illinois Wesleyan is an excellent art and music school.

And as it turns out, I hated literature classes. Too analytic. A classroom full of 20 year olds trying to sound smart, picking apart classic works of fiction until there was no joy left in them. Oh, this character is a Christ figure and that one is Judas, yadda yadda yadda.

And never having gone to church or had any familiarity with the Bible, the analogies were lost on me anyway.

Worst of all -- Reading something because you have to for a grade, not because you want to. Structured education. I read everything and wrote eloquent, thoughtful essays about it but retained barely anything. That's all school is. Memorization and regurgitation. It serves less purpose in real life than a Diaper Genie.

What college IS good for is living the lifestyle of a college student. Sex, drugs, music, friends, pizza.

That's why I feel sad for people who go to community college and live with their parents. They're missing the whole thing. All of the bad, none of the good.

Like I was telling my niece recently, you gotta go away to school. Go away and be fully engaged in the experience. It's the last time in your life you won't have to get up and go to work. Use the time studying music, art, theater, film, creative writing, philosophy -- and only make the bare minimum on the business/poli sci/psych stuff.

Once you get out in the world, it doesn't matter what you studied. Unless it was computer science or law or architecture or something specialized. Because most people don't become programmers or lawyers or architects. They become Associate Business Process Analysts or Underwriters or Account Representatives. At some giant corporation. And all they'll care about is Do You Have A Degree. Nobody ever asks what it's in.

I'm rambling. I miss college. I'd like to go back and do that over. Anybody else ever feel that way?

The Masked Vigilante said...

What better time to enjoy it than during a homo-erotic display of artificially muscular men bouncing off each other then patting each others' padded behinds in congratulations over the gain of a few inches!

Twink, I never get tired of hearing how homoerotic football is. Brilliant!! There will be codpieces and rock hard buttocks glistening in the sun today! Penetrate that defense!! Force it in the end zone!!

One time I saw guys holding hands on the sidelines while a field goal was being kicked. I would not make that up and Jeff saw it too. Watching Richard Simmons and Elton John make out in a giant champagne fountain would be less gay.

gone said...

I didn't get my degree until I was 35, with two kids. I hung out with the stoner professors who taught history and psychology, so got my degree in Soc/Psych, because it required very little study on my part, since I read all that stuff anyhow. Plus, I was connected to the tree-hugger adjunct of the 4 year college, so I was able to design my own degree. It was a blend of psych/soc/history under the umbrella of Gender Role Acquisition and Perpetuation in Popular Culture or some such. I studied film and music and history in that context. Suckas! It was brilliant, and fun.

Heh. Nothing more manly than rolling around in the mud with your pals, eh?

gone said...

But you're right about not mattering what your degree is in, though for docs and architects and engineers, I should hope they remember the basics. I realized that college was about learning critical thinking skills. That's why the anti-education people are so against colleges these days - they don't want the masses thinking critically or at all. Easier to manipulate when they don't.

The Masked Vigilante said...

Okay, so you DID do college right and... I suck. 8)

We should stop bashing the bowl. It's a good time. Gayer than the locker room scene in Top Gun, but that's no reason not to watch it and enjoy it.

Maybe with pink champagne cocktails and a pre-game screening of 300.

*ducks, runs away*

The Masked Vigilante said...

I realized that college was about learning critical thinking skills.

Critical thinking skills that, once learned, should probably be abandoned.

When has thinking critical thinking ever been responsible for a nice day? Usually leads to frustration and a feeling of alienation becasue nobody else is ever fucking doing it, you know?

Shopgirl's brother gave me a quote one time. "The power of acute observation is often called cynicism by those who do not have it."

I believe that. I question everything. But it doesn't make me as happy as drawing or playing my guitar or petting my dog or hanging out with friends.

And based on your recent evac of all things political, I think you're ready to give your critical/analytical mind a rest and come to your senses a li'l bit, no?

gone said...

Oh, I totally love football, I used to be the best at the pools. But now, it's 5 minutes of commercials for every down, and I hates commercials. And I loved 300 just because it looked so cool, and I'm a fan of sword and sorcery shit.

But I lucked out with good professors who were into their students actually learning something rather than just pushing thru a bunch of idiots and collecting paychecks. My fave history prof never bothered with dates; we learned eras of social thought. It wasn't just about which ruler did what, it was about how the times affected art, literature, social rules, gender roles. Made history fun! One of favorite classes was the study of the witch trials in Europe during the dark ages. Still relevant today, I think.

gone said...

Usually leads to frustration and a feeling of alienation becasue nobody else is ever fucking doing it, you know?

Oh, most definitely - you just can't unlearn it, either. But I've always been the kid that asks "why?" every time I get an answer. Annoying, and the answers never satisfy. I don't know how to not ask, though.

gone said...

But it doesn't make me as happy as drawing or playing my guitar or petting my dog or hanging out with friends.

No, but those activities - like movies and tv or Mario Party for me - are ways to siphon off the frustration, and you appreciate those moments more than some might do, because you understand their worth more poignantly. At least that's how I see it.

The Masked Vigilante said...

I don't know how to not ask, though.

I've looked into it. Lobotomies. That's about it.

Where'd you go to school?

The Masked Vigilante said...

There's something very Zen about "letting go of your opinions". It's the same principle of cleaning out your closets. Get rid of the junk.

I try to do this when I think of it. Like the whole 9/11 thing -- I let that go.

Bet you guys never thought you'd see THAT day! *toothy smile*

gone said...

Believe me, I've thought of the lobotomy, but nintendo works just as well, and I can turn it off when I need to think again!

As for college, I got my AA at the local community college cos the youngest was still in day care, then went to the 4 year (an hour's drive each way) when they both were in school. Of course, WA is a tree-hugger state at least on the West side, so it makes sense the profs are more liberal.

Bet you guys never thought you'd see THAT day!

Nah, I knew you were a smart guy! And snark's logic is pretty...logical. I let it go just a couple years before you did, but I was on the bandwagon for a long time, too. I still think the bushies knew something was coming, they just didn't realize how big - they were hoping/needing a catalyst for the PNAC agenda. I wonder if they had already decided on the anthrax attacks (I think that was prolly an inside job), and after 9-11 went ahead with it to get the dems on board. We'll never know, cos if the gov't let it out, no one would trust the gov't again, not that they do anyhow, after years of making sure it doesn't work properly. Like money, a lot of the acceptance of authority is the idea that it's worth something. Lose faith in the value and you have anarchy.

Seven of Six said...

Chili, eh? I'm picking up a pizza. It's the simple life for me!

Rib-eyes on the grill for us!

Go Cardinals!
And all the squares with my points!

Seven of Six said...

All you smart college edumacated folks! Just the school of hard knocks for my dumb ass!

It will be good to know that my boy will have his college paid for though. And an idea that college exists after high school... my folks never really stressed college.
I always assumed I was just to get a job and start work immediately.

gone said...

I was the only one out of six that got a degree, actually. The half-siblings who lived with my dad are the ones who went to college, my ma didn't stress it, didn't stress anything as far as I remember. I started going just to get out of the house - we lived in the boonies, my ex was overseas, and as much as I loved the kids, I needed some grown up conversation. Not that I ever grew up, but it was nice to discuss things other than "what's for dinner" and "I don't wanna go to bed" for once.

The Masked Vigilante said...

All you smart college edumacated folks! Just the school of hard knocks for my dumb ass!

For you, my favorite Woody Allen quote:

"The wonderful thing about intellectuals is that they've proven you can be absolutely brilliant and have no idea what's going on."

Don't knock the Hard Knocks. I think my parents were the first in their families to go to college, both were teachers... Jeff and I never had a chance. 8)

Seven of Six said...

A little "Satch Boogie" by Joe Satriani... sweet! One more beer, Seven...

Seven of Six said...

"Little Wing" by Stevie Ray... Whoo-Hoo!!

Word verification alert: dinglyck

The Masked Vigilante said...

Oh, I thought you were providing links! I'd love to hear some Surfing With The Alien right about now.

And I have the recording of "Little Wing" -- one take, so clean you can hear the hum of his amplifier.

The Masked Vigilante said...

All the links on my site work now, including navigating through the journal which, shockingly, goes back almost six years. Wow.

I stepped outta my comfort zone a little bit w/ today's comic. Little bit of perspective, some minor foreground/background stuff going on.

That background color is my best colorblinded attempt to recreate the color in my home office, or "hoffice" as they say.

Somebody says that.

SoS, grab me another beer while you're up, will ya?

gone said...

Totally fun timewaster! Now I'm frikkin' late! Took me forever to realize you can rotate the things with the letter d. Sure helped!

Now, I'm off!

The Masked Vigilante said...

I see you girls
Checkin' out my trunks
I see you girls
Checkin' out the front of my trunks
I see you girls lookin' at my junk
Then checkin' out my rump
Then back to my sugarlumps.

gone said...

Go Cards!

Seven of Six said...

Ouch that hurt! At least they made it close, covered the spread! Pretty suspicious penalty calls, both ways, but that's just me. So close...

I'm trashed... a little Tears for Fears, "Goodnight Song"... sleep tight folks, hope you're all safe.

gone said...

The penalties, and the lack of defense done 'em in. Oh well. Love that TFF - all home safe... sleep it off, bud!

The Masked Vigilante said...

Boy, it's quiet out here today. Everybody hung over? Anybody feel like a nice, greasy pork sandwich served in a dirty ashtray?


gone said...

I didn't drink last night, but didn't get to bed until 10 which is very late for me. Then I woke up at 4am, and didn't go back to sleep cos I had to be at work at 5am to close the accounting for Jan. Barely keeping my eyes open.

Heroes is on tonight! Woohoo! One cool thing about the Super Bowl was the commercials for new movies. The Star Trek one was unrecognizable until the last bit, when you could see the uniform on Spock. Looks like fun!

gone said...

Mmmm. Pork sammich. That sounds good.

snark said...

The Cards got screwed by some questionable penalties.

Gotta give 'em a lot of credit for turning the game around and making it as exciting as last year. Sure would have liked to see Warner get one more play.

But I was always a Steeler fan as a kid.

Go Steelers!

gone said...

I was on the road for the last quarter, it seemed clear the Steelers would win. The girls at work were indignant about the "thuggish" Steelers beating up on people. I didn't see any of that. Brooce was boring AFAIC, but I never was a huge fan. Just an East Coast Bob Seeger, to me. 'Nother one o' them guy things I don't quite fathom.

gone said...

But I was always a Steeler fan as a kid.

Me, too, when the Lions were playing like shit... I was goin' for Cards because of our AZ pals, plus my dad in Tucson.

snark said...

My new motto;

"Know how to be ignorant and you will deceive neither yourself nor others." - Jean Jacques Rousseau

gone said...

You callin' me ig'nrint?


What made you think of that right now?

The Masked Vigilante said...

We were just talking about getting lobotomized. I'm guessing it has something to do with that.

I've always found it curious how people can be fans of teams who operate in cities I'd never wanna visit, i.e. Pittsburgh or Detroit.

Hence my Vancouver Canucks jersey.

gone said...

We were just talking about getting lobotomized.

Like, a day ago! But I must be very sleepy, cos I can't make head nor tails of that quote. Ack's got the latest Lost recap up. Woohoo!

Hence my Vancouver Canucks jersey.

Hence my Seattle paraphernalia.

Seven of Six said...

Hence my Seattle paraphernalia.

What... you have a bong?

The Masked Vigilante said...

Yeah, and it brews Starbucks while you hit it.

gone said...

Starbucks - blech. Overrated bilge. Gimme regular ol' espresso beans and some milk and I'll save ya $5 a cup.

I meant Mariners crap - though I buy smokes at a mom and pop outfit as a shake o' the fist to the corporate MAN, and they have all the bongs and crack pipes, plus the ninja swords and requisite posters of Al Pachino as Scarface. Great place, and the Asian couple that runs it are so very sweet. They always give me a free lighter on holidays, because I'm a regular.

snark said...

I just finished a book about the influence of religion on western political thought. It went through all the enlightenment thinkers. That's a line from Rousseau's book Emile. It's a vicar's admonition to the narrator of the book. The jist is that you can never truly know anything that originates from without yourself. If you remember that in your dealings with yourself and others you'll be less prone to self-deception or the deception of others. Viewed in the context of religion I'm sure the intent is clearer.

There's nothing wrong with Pittsburg. It's an American Renaissance city. Out of the ashed of the steel industry it's recreating itself as a leader in sustainable development. I've never been, other than a drive by, but I just might go to Netroots Nation this year to see it.

gone said...

So...I'll never know a guy thing unless its within me...

Sounds like a fancy-shmancy pickup line to me...

Now I get it. Those double negatives always trip me up. But yeah, I make too many assumptions about motives. But that's because I know most people are jerks! *cough*

Seven of Six said...

There's nothing wrong with Pittsburg.

It's got an overrated defense, Warner shred em' for 377 yards.

snark said...

But who's gettin' the Super Bowl rings?

gone said...



Seven of Six said...

But who's gettin' the Super Bowl rings?

Yeah, yeah... the "American Renaissance" Steelers. Even James Harrison is getting one after literally mugging a Cardinals player yesterday. I would have figured he might have gotten the MVP up to that point. That was disgraceful... certainly not something to be proud of.

Seven of Six said...

I knew it was over for the Cardinals when my Schleprock Sister called after the Fitzgerald TD... I tried to tell her there was way too much time on the clock... her precious wingnut brain wouldn't hear of it. That's all it took...

The Masked Vigilante said...

I knew it was over for the Cardinals when my Schleprock Sister called

What? Did SoS just go Yiddish?

The jist is that you can never truly know anything that originates from without yourself.

That's true. Even the world of our five senses exists only as the interpretation of electrical impulses to the brain.

My wife has a black robe. One day I said, "That black robe looks comfy!" She said, "It's brown." And as I was looking at it, I could slowly see she was right.

To me, the fucking thing turned from black to brown as I was looking at it.

There is no common reality. There's no shared perception. What the hell IS everything?

We don't know.

The Masked Vigilante said...

There's nothing wrong with Pittsburg. It's an American Renaissance city. Out of the ashes of the steel industry it's recreating itself as a leader in sustainable development.

Really? Fuck me! I gotta call my travel agent! *smirk*

There's nothing wrong with St. Louis either, except it's a pit and possibly the location of the Hellmouth.

Even Chicago has charm. But if I'm gonna pick a team, I'm going with a place I'd like to actually spend some time.

Seattle, Vancouver, Denver, New York, San Francisco, etc.

No offense, SoS, but I'm not a big heat guy.

The Masked Vigilante said...

I broke it off with Scarlett. I listened to her cover of Jeff Buckley's "Last Goodbye" -- why the FUCK would anybody ever try to cover that??

And she's awful. The arrangement is shit and she sounds bored.

Just... go back to being pretty. Or as David Mamet would say, "TAKE YOUR SHIRT OFF AND CRY!"

gone said...

What? Did SoS just go Yiddish?

Hilarious! But I think it's more a manifestation of early childhood Flintstone conditioning in this case.

There is no common reality. There's no shared perception.

I used to bring this up with the kids when we talked about how rainbows are made. Depending on their age level, I'd try to make them see that people a mile away saw it at a different angle, or they might not see it at all. And the hues of the colors were different even between people standing side by side because of the way their eyes are shaped and how they perceive the electrical signals that define "blue," etc. Fun shit.

As you may suppose, the kids eventually stopped asking "why?" because I just might tell them! Especially around puberty time. But some of it sinks in, especially the part about people seeing from different angles. I really have to practice what I preach more, though, don't I?

I just finished a book about the influence of religion on western political thought.

Title? Sounds interesting. That's kinda the stuff I studied - in the context of the creation of gender roles. Most societies got their underlying structure from their supernatural belief system, no? So everyone's place in society is defined first and foremost by religion. Necessity provided the impetus, religion provided the organization and structure. And even though they rarely practiced what they preached, at least the Enlightenment thinkers spent some time thinking about what it might be like to live in someone else's boots. Good quote, snark - food for thought.

gone said...

I always thought Scarlett was a bitch, MV, I just didn't want to say it out loud, man.

The Masked Vigilante said...

See, you SAY that, but you know we're just gonna get back together and you're gonna feel like a jerk.

Seven of Six said...

No offense, SoS, but I'm not a big heat guy.

You're a pussy! ;)

I love it comfortable... keep it 75 degrees 24/7... anything hotter than 95 and I wilt!
Fucking summers are brutal here... in reality it's the damn lows I hate... it will not cool off in the summer, perhaps 85-90 for morning lows... sick!

That's why I liked CA and CO, it may get 105 (once in awhile) but the night cooling brings temps that are tolerable.

Seven of Six said...

But I think it's more a manifestation of early childhood Flintstone conditioning in this case.

Spot on!

...especially the part about people seeing from different angles.

Like my dick for example... my pinkie finger is six inches long. ;)

gone said...

I liked living in the desert - a swamp cooler is so way better than an air conditioner. The bugs aren't as bad as in the south, and I don't mind snakes much.

Hey, MV, I was thinking. You should start pulling your weight and post your daily comic here, so we have a new thread every once in a while. Ya know?

gone said...

See, you SAY that, but you know we're just gonna get back together and you're gonna feel like a jerk.

And I'll kiss up again, for you.

But you'll always know in the back of your mind that I don't like the chick, and you'll hang on much longer than you really intended to, just to show me up. But who's the real winner, here? Hmm?? Who?


Seven of Six said... your daily comic here...

That would be boss!

Seven of Six said...

And she's awful.

You should see her in Vicky Christina Barcelona. Stunk the place up and all she had to do was act half-ass sexy... either that or Woody Allen didn't do a very good job with her.
Penolope Cruz on the other hand... woo-hoo!!

gone said...

Sixty Nine!

Seven of Six said...

Seventied it!

Seven of Six said...

Gotta go... the wife just found out her Tia died.

snark said...

The Stillborn God by Mark Lilla.

snark said...

Just had my first Skype video internet conversation. The Mrs. is in Minneapolis for a conference so I set us both up with webcams and Skype so the girls could see their mom while she's away. Amazingly simple. They were totally thrilled. I think it made Mrs. snark pretty happy too.

gone said...

So sorry, SoS. Good vibes sent to your family!

Yay technology, snark! So cool. And I've heard of that book, was the guy on Colbert? You've got tickets soon, don't you?

snark said...

Going to Colbert on Wednesday.

Steve Martin's gonna be on...

...on Thursday!


Guest for Wednesday is an author. Jonah Lehrer. Wrote a book about how our brains make decisions or something.

The Masked Vigilante said...

Hey, MV, I was thinking. You should start pulling your weight and post your daily comic here, so we have a new thread every once in a while. Ya know?

That would be boss!

As you wish!

gone said...

Missed it by that much, snark! Bummer. But brains are cool. And Colbert is hilarious. Will it air the same day? Wear a Hawaiian shirt in the front row so we can see ya!