Friday, November 28, 2008

Humans Are Still Evolving, I Guess.

This is Cyril Raffaelli, a crazy French spider monkey. He was in Live Free or Die Hard and he does the fight choreography for The Transporter movies.  

Crazy, right?  So I'm watching him today in Live Free, and it reminds me of the weird game of tag video I posted before (which I can't find now, but it was freaky.)  

And it's got me thinking, what the hell is going on with human beings being able to do shit like this?  

Jackie Chan was weird enough, but now it seems like there's all this YouTube footage of dudes that can run up walls and jump ridiculously high.  I don't remember people being able to do this stuff.  Do you? 

Is there an evolutionary shift or jump of some kind happening?  Remember the first time you saw Michael Jordan sail through the air from the foul line to the slam dunk?  Nobody ever did that before.  Now we have crazy spider monkey dudes who can run forever and pull off all this acrobatic ninja shit.
Where does this end?  I bet telekinesis is not far off.  People moving things with their mind. People levitating, and not in that gay David Blaine way. Or maybe people will just start flying next?

I think it's weird. I don't remember ever seeing anybody do stuff like this. Quite frankly, it's freaking my shit out more than a little.  

Goddamn freaky French spider monkeys.   


The Masked Vigilante said...

BTW: Who's the Anonymous dude who commented on the Ninja Attack? That was weird.

snark said...

I think it's more people with more and beter video editing equipment.

iamcoyote said...

Yeah, that, snark, and the whole "extreme" culture with the stuff. But Ninjas have always done this shit, you just couldn't see 'em cos they move so fast! As for the anonny guy, I assume he googled the story and found your post. Happens a lot.

Anonymous said...

Maybe gravity is just growing weaker.

The Masked Vigilante said...

Nah, it's not gravity cuz I can't do this stuff. I got no hang time.

I think if we look back in recent decades, there's a line from Bruce Jenner to Michael Jordan to Jackie Chan that shows human potential is increasing. Now it's leaping forward.

Or people are just born lighter and with longer arms and legs? Hollow bones, like birds?

Of course, they could be aliens too.

iamcoyote said...

It'd be cool if they're aliens, but it's prolly the steroids!

Anonymous said...

Or the PCP

iamcoyote said...

Heh, you're right, Rip!

Seven of Six said...

snark, coyote, See commenter #33.

iamcoyote said...

Heh. Ol' Albert, so that's what happened to him.

The Masked Vigilante said...

"Be seeing you in the camps"??? Wow. That's a lot farther (further?) than I've ever gone.

Barack Blackbush, huh? Sounds like the name of a Bond girl.

Old friend from TLC?

iamcoyote said...

Crazy ass ol' coot - snark's old 911Troofer pal.

Seven of Six said...

I thought my Tin Foil Hat was screwed on tight. Albert's uses his for a skull.

snark taught the man humility, like he has done to so many of us mere mortals.

iamcoyote said...

Doesn't look like he's humble there, SoS. Surprised that FDL let him hang around. Looks more like he's gone off the deep end, though there are a bunch of loons out there (dennis perrin and IOZ that everyone thinks is hot shit) who think it's the end of the world. snark just confused the poor guy for a time.

Seven of Six said...

It was hilarious to see poor Albert get his panties tied up in a wad at snark's comments.

snark said...

Well that brings back memories.

Will we be forced to listen to hiphop in the camps I wonder? Eat soul food?

Seven of Six said...

Will we be forced to listen to hiphop in the camps I wonder?

Either that or Barry Manilow.

snark said...

Just got my confirmation for the Colbert Report. Will be going to the taping on February 4th. Hope he has a good guest!

iamcoyote said...

That's so cool, snark, be sure to remind us, so we can watch. And it's after the inauguration, too!