Wednesday, November 19, 2008

I Heart Paradox

I think he's outdone himself this time.


snark said...

That isn’t a criticism of the Big Man, not in any sense, as stated before the insane level of US defense spending is blithely accepted among all peoples of America as the way it should be and is, change is simply never contemplated or advocated for by any constituent group to stop building tanks when are children are cold and starving this winter.

Dude's just not a good writer.

The Masked Vigilante said...

Who's "the Big Man"? Besides me, I mean.

iamcoyote said...

That's funny, I have that picture on my wall in my office!

iamcoyote said...

And I thought Dustin Hoffman was the Little Big Man.

The Masked Vigilante said...

Apparently the Army is growing ever more hugely, in case you were wondering. Just FYI.

You know what else is growing ever more hugely? Yeeeeeeah you do.

The Masked Vigilante said...

Damn those monstrous fools in the Bush administration and their stupid, extremely provocative "missile shield"!!

You know what else is stupid and extremely provocative? Yep. Me again.

iamcoyote said...

The National Debt?

snark said...

I'm going to admit to being enthralled by the picture of the bunny with the flapjack chapeau.

The Masked Vigilante said...

Oh by all the atoms of the universe and the soul of Melissa McEwan, I've been trying not to post a brief roaring comment about this clusterfuck of a post.

Lo, with admirable adroitness to this blithely accepted acute, screaming blog, just in a literary prism, are we pissing are pants while are children are starving?

Seven of Six said...

Are I'm to understand that he meant "OUR"!

No really, he used to write a lot better... seems like the pressure is getting to him. As we watch him melt before our eyes.

If it weren't for the community at TLC I'd be gone.

The Masked Vigilante said...

I'll leave him alone. But I'm sickened how the people in the comments are letting him get away with this travesty.

How can they pretend to understand this post??

Fuck's sake, at least PROOF the thing.

iamcoyote said...

As for Melissa and her teaspoons, I have to admit, MV, you were right. I've been watching the blog the last week or two and saw enough to put me off Shakesville for life.

Apparently, Melissa was feeling burned out, as we all get sometimes, but instead of letting people know, and taking a break, she left tiny little hints here and there in comments, where some people can't go any more because of the silliness. So she puts up a post after the election saying she had no choice but to hope for the best and of course, the commenters started in with their negative shit, which had been encouraged the whole year. So in the middle of the thread, she comes in a throws a tantrum how she can't do this anymore 'cos everyone's so negative, she's broke and tired, and nobody thinks about her and her problems! Someone tried to say that they had no idea, and she starts whining about how she left all these hints, and then says she's giving up because asking her to tell people how she's feeling puts way more work on her, that you people should just know she's all fragile and shit!

Well, I've done gone all wacky and thrown tantrums, but at least I had the good grace to be embarrassed by it, especially when you guys are nice about it ('cept for snark, ya big realist bully, wahhhh!) You know I'll get over it at some point. But I've never done it as a fundraising tool, which is exactly what she did. She stopped posting, the other people came in and posted their "poor poor pitiful Liss" posts saying the commenters just didn't appreciate her 'cos she works so hard, blah blah blah. And the commenters started grovelling and wailing "oh noes, the poor thing! I'm so ashamed, here's my last penny!" And anyone who tried to say it was a clever racket got deleted, because they were hurting Liss' feelings the big meanies! And there were brainstorming sessions how they could help and offers of cookies and pie, and their puppy pics and shit. My last straw was when a disabled woman said she could do without that little trinket she had her eye on so she could send Liss money.

After a week of poor li'l me, she comes back, says "you're all the best" and goes on like nothing happened. I guess since her hangers on don't mind being treated like shit and put on a guilt trip, it's their choice, but man, what a racket.

So, MV, you were right, as you were about John Edwards. I bow to your superior savvy.

Okay, back to bashing paradox! It seems fitting that he sees into Liss' soul, doesn't it?

iamcoyote said...

I think we should have a "write like paradox" thread!

The Masked Vigilante said...

My last straw was when a disabled woman said she could do without that little trinket she had her eye on so she could send Liss money.

Oh you gotta be fucking kidding me. Yikes.

So, MV, you were right, as you were about John Edwards. I bow to your superior savvy.

Thanks! I'm not gonna gloat -- I never know if I'm right.

Wow. That's really corrupt.

Jeff and I were talking about blogs and the internet and how it can lead to some ugly shit.

Having an editor who stands between the hack and publication is maybe a very good thing.

Seven of Six said...

I think we should have a "write like paradox" thread!

Fuck that... I'm still trying to improve my righting! Me slip into all the bad habits. I are not going to do dat. If yall want to go a head.

I gotta head over to Mom's, give her a break with Dad. Catch you all later.

Seven of Six said...

I sent Steve and Digby money once.

Obama got the rest of my cash this year... finally got my t-shirt.

I'm spent on giving.
Now it's only a ten or twenty for the homeless vets on freeway exit ramps.

Music subject: Did I ever tell anyone about the Roseanne Cash show I saw, she comes out half drunk and says, "I'm here to bring the "cunt" back to country!" All us half drunkards shouted out in appreciation!!

iamcoyote said...

Wow, SoS, that's pretty good. I rarely ever understood what the band said to the crowd, it's cool that she could make herself heard and understood.

Yeah, MV, for a while I could understand burning out, but ultimately, blogging is a choice, not a job; it's work, and if it gets expensive, you ask your commenters if they can contribute. But you don't guilt trip them, you don't passive-aggressively hold a fundraiser, (yesterday she accused someone who questioned the tactic of being passive-aggressive when they were actually snarking about her whining about the negativity while at the same time joining in it.) At the point when people are saying "I'm poor as a church mouse, but I'll send my last penny!" you've got a problem. You're nothing more than a fookin' Jerry Falwell denying your slobbering fans your God until they cough up the cash. Ugly shit, man. How hard can it be to post pics of puppies? Or bunnies with pancakes on their heads?

snark said...

Do you think the bunny wanted to eat the pancakes? Are pancakes good for bunnies?

snark said...

Sorry, I couldn't resist. The whole "soul" thing was just too too pathetic.

iamcoyote said...

Snap out of it, snark! The bunny has you mesmerized before it goes for the throat!

As we learned from Monty Python, bunnies are carnivores!

I understand about the TLC thread. It's calling for me, but man, paradox gets so upset, I kinda feel bad.

snark said...

Can I pet him George? Can I? Can I stroke his fur?

iamcoyote said...

Calm down, Lenny.

The Masked Vigilante said...

And I'll do you one better -- your comparison to Falwell is dead on. There's a very cultish vibe at that site.

A lot of web comics have that PayPal "Donate!" button on them too -- I'm never gonna do that. C'mon. You need my $25 for what? To order a pizza because you won't get out from under your laptop long enough to make a fuckin' sandwich? It's certainly not going towards the quality of the site (computer equipment is expensive), so what's the donation for? MY VALIDATION THAT YOU ARE AN ARTIST? YOUR EGO?

Fuck you ya silly git. You wanna get paid for your work, then jump in the feeding frenzy with the other freelance writers and submit to a publisher.

And -- holy fuck -- maybe even experience rejection. Could Melissa take that? Would it make her fitzy?

Fook the internet. Unless you just wanna chat with your buds and rip on stuff. Cuz that's cool.

Seven of Six said...

Calm down, Lenny.

It's actually "Lennie". "Of Mice and Men", one of my favorite books. Of course John Steinbeck was a homeboy so I read everything he wrote. I was pretty young so I forgot most. What a great writer... no?

Just think we'll be getting those depression era books coming out again soon.

iamcoyote said...

One of the people asked for an accounting of the money sent in and got blasted. "If 'Liss wants to spend her money on painting her house sparkley purple, then she's got the right!"

Well, if you want to buy her shoes because she provides a place to chat, fine, but if you're sending money for site upkeep, then it's a valid question, I thought.

Seven of Six said...

Set to go off to Mom's... call her up and tell her I'm coming over... she's taking to the Doctor for a follow up. How the fuck could I forget that... CRS is getting to me!

Seven of Six said...

...she's taking to the Doctor for a follow up.

That would be Dad, the missing patient.

iamcoyote said...

I read The Pearl and Of Mice and Men and the Joad one, SoS, loved 'em all, and cried at them all. Great writer.

iamcoyote said...

You're such a good son, SoS!

Seven of Six said...

I gotta say I'm with ya'll on this. You know the holiday season is coming up. Hey, where is Melissa based out of?

Seven of Six said...

You're such a good son, SoS!

Not really... I'm the only local relative... have the time... the guilt... etc.

The Masked Vigilante said...

Asking how the money is spent is ABSOLUTELY a valid question. But her minions pounced. Jeebus.

To answer my own rhetorical question, Melissa could NOT take rejection from a publisher because that's the cold, harsh world. Not the little safe space where she can get unconditional love and teaspoons of money from her fans -- until you disagree with her and she bans you from the site and calls you a rapist.

No wonder I called her a fascist leader of a hate group. 8)

iamcoyote said...

I'm not really sure where she lives, but she does do articles for the Guardian in the UK, not sure if she gets paid for it. The thing is, a lot of her commenters are rape/violence survivors, and it's a safe place for them to get together and support each other, which is great. But dang, putting a guilt trip on a cohort that prolly has a lot of guilt issues is just sickening. Also, to give these people a safe place to share all their feelings, then to try to dictate how they feel while with a tantrum sends really painful mixed messages.

snark said...

You guys are pathetic!

You're practically raping her right now!

Have you no shame?

Do bunnies like blueberry flapjacks?

Seven of Six said... give these people a safe place to share all their feelings, then to try to dictate how they feel while with a tantrum sends really painful mixed messages.

Yuk, I'm feeling ill!

Getting back to Steinbeck... I now realize where I got my start with liberal politics. He dealt with the homeless, Unions... rough, grind it out lives.
You can't read "Cannery Row" at 13 and not be affected.

iamcoyote said...

By using a rape metaphor, you're the one raping her, snark. At least that's how she explained it once.

Have you no shame?

I thought we established that the answer was "no" a long time ago!

Do bunnies like blueberry flapjacks?

I suppose if there's clover growing out of them, they do.

iamcoyote said...

Hmm. Obama picked Daschle for Health & Human Services. I wondered where he'd be put.

Seven of Six said...

Do bunnies like blueberry flapjacks?

Once, while eating blueberry flapjacks with a girlfriend, things got heated and she ate some syrup off my butt cheek!

Yeah, she's same one who I did the Nair on the balls experiment with!

snark said...

By using a rape metaphor, you're the one raping her, snark.

Oh dear.

That's horrible.

I wouldn't touch her with someone else's ten foot penis.

iamcoyote said...

Yeah, it got pretty twisted in the comments at times. I stopped reading them back in Aug. when I finally got on the Obama bandwagon. They were just looking for reasons to think the world was ending. I'm glad they have a safe place, but dang, it got to the point where you couldn't comment for fear of it offending someone. Actually, when she stopped posting, I never realized it until the Poor Pitiful Liss posts started popping up, and I went back to see what happened, cos Buddah knows I love a good train wreck. Especially when I'm not the one texting some kids in the engine car!

The Masked Vigilante said...

You know what the blogosphere is? It's Open Mike Night at the Lesbian Coffee House, except it's global and 24/7.

I'm glad it's there and I hope people enjoy themselves, but you gotta know after the 15th cover of "Closer to Fine" you're prolly gonna vomit on yourself.

iamcoyote said...

I always liked that song, but yeah, I don't want to hear it more than once a week at the most. I'm shocked that you actually know the name of it, MV. Shocked, I say.

snark said...

MV's really a bull dyke?

iamcoyote said...

I would never have guessed!

snark said...

Gives new meaning the the whole "Masked" thingy.

Closeted Vigilante?

iamcoyote said...

Bull Dyke. What does that mean, anyhow?

The Masked Vigilante said...

I'm shocked that you actually know the name of it, MV. Shocked, I say.

MV's really a bull dyke?

Nah. MV's a guitar player who played parties in college and played what the cute hippy girls wanted to sing... and then have sex with said cute hippy girls. Bonding through the love of music and all that.

And fuck, it's like 3 chords.

iamcoyote said...

So you lured them in with "sensitivity" then pounced? Demon!

snark said...

Bull Dyke. What does that mean, anyhow?

The one with the "horns"?

iamcoyote said...

So, a male lesbian?

snark said...

So, a male lesbian?

In a manner of speaking.

The Masked Vigilante said...

So you lured them in with "sensitivity" then pounced? Demon!

Nah, just Stoned College Student. And I do know how to spell "hippie" (right?)

I just had 8 people talking to me at the time I wrote that.

Oh, and I was rarely the pouncer.

Ah, the 20th Century.

iamcoyote said...

I see. The one that takes the male role and wears flannel shirts with the sleeves ripped off and doesn't wax the upper lip...

No pouncing, MV? How boring is that?

The Masked Vigilante said...

I think snark means the dominant lesbian partner.

The Masked Vigilante said...

No pouncing, MV? How boring is that?

To be pounced on? As it turns out, not boring at all.

snark said...

I think bunnies are natures perfect snack food.

iamcoyote said...

Depends on whether you like to be the pounc-er or the pounc-ee!

Mmmm. Bunny muffins!

Seven of Six said...

McLame finally defeated Obama in Missouri.

Stevens conceded. Update Erin!

snark said...

So there goes "As goes Missouri, so goes the country"!


Seven of Six said...

Honest to God... I did not know Gremlins existed!

iamcoyote said...

I have it on good authority Erin's working on the update now. Shit. If she's gonna have to work so hard to save TLC, she just may throw a tantrum/fundraiser for TLC and a new pair o' shoes!

snark said...


Sorry, I just spent my last pennies on some bunnies.

iamcoyote said...

Sheesh, snark's got a bunny fetish! Reminds me of Buffy's Anya from the musical, of course:

(Anya) I've got a theory, it could be bunnies...

(Tara) I've got a theory
(Anya) Bunnies aren't just cute like everybody supposes,
They've got them hoppy legs and twitchy little noses.
And what's with all the carrots?
What do they need such good eyesight for anyway?
Bunnies, bunnies it must be bunnies!
...or maybe midgets.

iamcoyote said...

Sorry, I just spent my last pennies on some bunnies.

Thanks, but I'm thinking of hitting up little ol' ladies and disabled people for the cash!

The Masked Vigilante said...

Wow. Stupidest thing you've ever heard?


iamcoyote said...

Fookin' A! A real killer rabbit! It's attacking crows, fer goo'ness sake!

iamcoyote said...

Led Zep without Plant? Unthinkable? Of course, them doing another tour with Plant is kinda hokey. Musta run outta cash, is all I can say.

iamcoyote said...

Sixty Nine!

The Masked Vigilante said...

It's not like Plant is dead. He's just doing something else. Why the fuck would they... go get that "More Than Words" puss to sing lead like Van Halen did that time. That worked out really well.

Why am I craving pancakes?

iamcoyote said...

I totally hated David Lee Roth. But then by the time Hagar came along, I was off the Van Halen bandwagon. I don't know that I was ever on it, though.

Chris Cornell, I'll bet he'd be cool.

The Masked Vigilante said...

Dhani Harrison and Jakob Dylan recorded something together recently -- Lennon's "Gimme Some Truth" -- for a benefit album.

But if Paul and Ringo decided to put the Beatles back together with Dhani and Sean Lennon or something, I'd puke.

Luckily for Zep, Jason Bonham kicks ass. But you don't replace your front man unless you're planning on touring the Holiday Star Plaza in Armpit, Indiana.

The Masked Vigilante said...

Getting back to paradox, I feel bad for him. Badly? I feel badly for him. I feel for the bruddha.

Before I go on: "paradox" Did he name himself that because he's confusing, or is he confusing because of his name? Discuss.

Clearly the guy is passionate and stressed out as all hell and he's got some job where his boss LETS HIM do this during work hours...

And he's just not good.

Do we have a responsibility to try to make him stop writing shitty posts before he gives himself an ulcer? An ulcer in VAIN no less?

And you know why he sucks? It's the same reason he's stressed. He's trying too hard.

If he were an actor, naked on stage with a horse and a hot redhead who's carpet matches the pubes, snark might say paradox is overacting.

Ultimately, I never commented. He'll either get better with practice, or I'll look forward to many more mornings of paradox's pretentious prattle and the subsequent giggle attacks at my desk.

Perhaps tomorrow he will swear something "BY THE TRIDENT OF NEPTUNE!"

iamcoyote said...

Poor thing, really, he's not meant to carry the load, and I can't carry the load, so we're stuck. So much for Deacon Blues, he's not performing either. I hate to see TLC go down, but sheesh, we need someone who can write all day long.

snark said...

Don't look at me.

There are things I can do all day long. Writing blog posts isn't one of them.

Seven of Six said...

Hey, if TLC goes down, it really is Steve's fault. He was the man I respected... and Pessimist.
To bad Pessimist had a hissy fit over us fucking with that scum bucket scout. He was a damn good writer... a little long winded at times, but productive and solid.

Seven of Six said...

There are things I can do all day long. Writing blog posts isn't one of them.

Yes you could. Snark you're a natural at all that mental menudo shit!

iamcoyote said...

Pessimist didn't leave because of scout, that's what scout kept saying was the reason Pess left. Not sure the real reason - he changed his handle and kinda vanished.

snark said...

No, no. I much prefer a good round of often dickish back and forth in the comment threads.

iamcoyote said...

Obviously, so do I. *smirk*

snark said...

Hey, I posted a link in your evolution post below that I thought was interesting. It's a rough guestimate of how many humans heve ever been born on the planet. They figure around 106 billion since the advent of homo sapiens.

Seven of Six said...

Pessimist is off doing his "Realist" handle.

I thought he left because we were so uncivil.

I much prefer a good round of often dickish back and forth in the comment threads.

And believe me you are an expert! ;)

The Masked Vigilante said...

I would step up and take the helm of TLC and restore it to its former glory, but I can't think of a single reason why.


And if I don't stop looking at that picture of the bunny, I'mma go to IHOP right now and make a scene.

snark said...

And believe me you are an expert! ;)


Speaking of dickish, whatever happened to "jump on the Obama bandwagon" Brian Bell?

Seven of Six said...

I heard he was mugged the rabid PUMA dennis.

iamcoyote said...

Hey, I posted a link in your evolution post

Thanks for the reminder, I'd totally spaced it. I meant to go back and read it...

Did you watch the video of the bunny attacking the crows? No pancakes, but it was pretty crazy!

I thought he left because we were so uncivil.

Civility's over-rated. Dickishness is where it's at, baybee.

Brian Bell. Boy, we really did run him off, didn't we? Ugh.

snark said...

When rabbits attack!!!

Pretty funny.

Seven of Six said...

AZ Gov. Janet Napalitano is going to be named Homeland Security Chief.

That sucks, because we are left with total loser Repuke Jan Brewer as Gov. She's the Sec. of State who put diebold and ES&S voting machines in service and help gerrymandered the districts.

Also, Janet would have been McCain's biggest challenger in the Senate. She was leading in early polling at DKos, 53-45 over McLame.

Wonder if this was Obama's talk about with McLame. Cause the next day he announced he was moving a committee for reelection. Interesting...

iamcoyote said...

Okay, I read it - wow, that'sa lotta people!

Anyhow, I never knew rabbits attacked. How'd it get a bird, that's the question. It pounced like a cat. Or a hippie chick listening to a cool cat playing Indigo Girls covers on his guitar.

iamcoyote said...

That sucks, because we are left with total loser Repuke Jan Brewer as Gov.

Change we can believe in?


Seven of Six said...

Hardy Har, Har!

snark said...

What's her special claim to Homeland Security?

iamcoyote said...

She was Anita Hill's lawyer.

Seven of Six said...

She was AZ Attorney General before being Gov. and involved with mucho immigration issues.

Seven of Six said...

Breast cancer survivor.

Seven of Six said...

She is a centrist. Not a radical lefty or big progressive. Pretty pragmatic. She was high on education, going after the employer on immigration issues and had to work with a repuke congress here in AZ. Probably why she wanted to bail!

I hope she goes after Sheriff Joe. Fucking scum bag is supposed to get his own reality TV show! Yep, arresting people. Isn't enough that he makes inmates wear pink underwear, eat green meat sandwiches, parades himself like a whore for TV when he makes arrest of illegals or that security lacks so bad at his jailhouses that murders are a regular occurance... hell, I could go on but it's a waste... the people still reelected his ass!

The Masked Vigilante said...

SoS, are you from AZ? Sorry if this falls in the "DUH" category, but I was just getting caught up.

Sheriff Joe sounds like a nightmare. And kind of a pervert.

iamcoyote said...

Sheriff Joe must have trained the jerks who ran Abu Ghraib.

Seven of Six said...

SoS, are you from AZ?

No, I was a military brat, typically moved around a lot. In the 60's when Dad got out, we lived in the L.A. area for 5 years, went to Conn. for 1, then to San Jose for the rest of my formative years. That's where I call home, but I moved all over CA, HI for 3. Then in late '87' I enlisted in the Army. After I got out, I tried to go back home but it was way overpriced, so I moved to CO, my folks were there, the first wife like it and I was familiar with Ft. Carson. Lived there for 14 years.
My second wife's company had a merger and they were downsizing in Co. Springs so an opening came up in Phoenix. She had the better job, Union and seniority, the company was paying for the move, plus we wanted to have warmer weather in the winter. Moved here in Feb. '04'.

It took me awhile to catch on that you knew Jeff and are from the Chicago area. Jeff and I talked a lot of football last year.

Seven of Six said...

Yes, Sheriff Joe is on a fucking ego trip... runs Maricopa country like his own little police state.
If you've got brown skin here, you better be holding proof of citizenship!