Monday, November 3, 2008

"Every dog [and cat] deserves a decent dinner"

I don't know if you already know about this, but a 12 year old girl from Oregon set up a website, in association with PetCo and some other big sponsors. Hence, freekibble and its sister site, freekibblekat.

I got to these sites every day. On freekibble, you are asked a trivia question about dogs. Whether you get the question right or wrong,10 pieces of dog food are donated to a canine shelter.

Follow the "click here to... feed cats too!" link and you'll go to freekibblekat. Same deal. Answer a trivia question and right or wrong, 10 pieces of cat food are donated to a feline shelter.

The site proudly boasts, as of today:
  • 51,332,920 pieces of kibble donated since April 1, 2008
  • Over 434,976 nutrituous meals serverd to hungry dogs and cats!

Anyway, it's fun, it's easy, you can't lose, and hungry, homeless puppies and kittens get fed.

Bookmark it. You can only play once a day per IP address, so I like to hit this one from home AND work.

The lowdown:

Mimi Ausland, a 12 year old girl from Bend, Oregon, wanted to help feed the hungry animals at her local animal shelter. “There are 10’s of thousands of dogs and cats in animal shelters across the country, all needing to be fed a good meal.” Say hello to and!'s primary mission is to provide good, healthy food to dogs and cats to those shelters who are working so hard to see that none of them go hungry - they need our help. In addition to providing free kibble to the Humane Society of Central Oregon, we've added 10 new shelters to the program (from Oregon to Florida!)

One love.


snark said...

Makes a good companion to this site.

iamcoyote said...

I love the Free Rice site, now I'll have another to play on. Hopefully, none of the puppy food has ingredients from China!

The Masked Vigilante said...

Yeah, but... Free Rice... who gives a shit about the starving people?

I just wanna help the animals. People can grow their own rice. Puppies and kitties can't make their own kibble.

And no, all of that China shit in the dog/cat food is so2005!

iamcoyote said...

Yeah, now the melamine's in eggs!

I give a shit about starving people, actually, I give a shit about anyone in a world o' hurt. I can't do anything about it, but I care.

And I'm about ready to cry for Obama - how sad for his gramma to die just at this time.

The Masked Vigilante said...

Um, besides... Don't people still have Chinese restaurants??

Plenty of rice right there. It's not like a dog at the Humane Society can go out and get a carry-out order from the Kibble restaurant!!

The Masked Vigilante said...

Geez, that is awful. I've been out of touch this afternoon. Poor guy. The night before the night.

Oh well. It's just politics. At least her suffering is over.

iamcoyote said...

Yeah, it looks like she had cancer, so her suffering is over, and she did get to see Obama close to winning. My gramma's on her death bed as well. I expect to get the call any day now, too.

snark said...

All my grandparents were gone by the time I was 12.

Did you see where the slimy California GOP filled an FEC complaint against Obama for using campaign funds to go visit his grandmother in Hawaii.

They're practically sub-human.

Seven of Six said...

The AP is sad piece of shit news organization!! Look at how they sub-headline Obama's grandmothers death. Death of Madelyn Dunham, 86, announced day before election.

iamcoyote said...

Yeah, they've been howling about that for a while. Frikkin' no sense of shame - how do you deal with people like that? Sickos.

Seven of Six said...

Oh, I get it AP, we will wait until the day she didn't die to announce?! Some stupid fuckers working there!

iamcoyote said...

Only one more day! Just one more!

Anonymous said...

Here's another one coyote, with the tabs at the top you can give to numerous good causes, people, animals and even little kids!

Couple more weeks dear, better than ever!


iamcoyote said...

Yay Woody! I was thinkin' of you Sunday when Seattle did their thing yet again. So sad, time to get rid of Hasselbeck!

Hope there's still color on the hills in a couple weeks, I've been anticipating the drive~!

The Masked Vigilante said...

Frikkin' no sense of shame - how do you deal with people like that?

I bet some insensitive idiot on the Obama campaign blurted out, "His grandma died? That's a 3-point bump for sure!"

Then there was total silence. Tumbleweeds blew across the floor. The guy, realizing what he had just said, went out for some air.

iamcoyote said...

I dunno, MV, Sadly No went slumming on Malkin's site and apparently, her commenters were so bad, they were deleting constantly. The Sadlies posted some of the sicker comments. Crazy ass 'pukes.

The Masked Vigilante said...

I voted this morning. In a church of some sort, which is my local polling place.

Isn't that unconstitutional? And now I'm hearing that other spots in town are giving out free coffee and donuts!!

They're munchin' on donuts and guzzling free coffee; I gotta go in a church while just makes my stomach flip.

WRONG! But I voted. I rocked my vote. Paper ballot, fed into a machine.

Now for all I know, it read my ballot as a digital lunch order or a Doonesbury strip from last year. But it got sucked in the machine and I was voter #397 at my precinct. Hopefully that means something.

And by "something" I mean "cancel out my father-in-law's vote".

her commenters were so bad, they were deleting constantly. The Sadlies posted some of the sicker comments. Crazy ass 'pukes.

What were they saying? And why? She was a white woman from Hawaii. She wasn't Aretha Franklin in The Blues Brothers.

iamcoyote said...

Check it out. The title of the piece is "Obama Murders Grandmother." That ought to give you some idea what the knuckledraggers are saying.

iamcoyote said...

We're an absentee ballot state, so I mailed my vote off a while back. My daughter waited til the last minute, so I have to go mail hers for her, and my son should have his in the mailbox by now. WA is a blue state, but we have to make sure our gov isn't Rossi, who's backed by scads of RNC money, and Darcy Burner's been going up in the polls, so even though I don't get to vote for her, I sent her money to unseat Reichert, who's an ass. We won't find out for weeks about the gov race, prolly, Rossi was one of those that demanded a couple recounts last time, the fucker. And one of our US attorneys was fired because he wouldn't make up bogus voter fraud cases. Should be a fun November.

snark said...

I rocked my vote.

I Barocked my vote!


Snarkette demanded that we wake her up so she could go with us this morning. Woke her up at 6am and she jumped right up out of bed. Even though she has no school today. (Her school is a polling place.) She was so excited. It made me really happy. She was thrilled that she got to go into the booth with me and see how we actually vote. I was voter #15 at my polling place and a line was starting to form behind me.

Mrs. snark has been pretty cool about the whole campaign but I could tell she was excited this morning. After she voted she went back over to the registration table and asked the gray haired lady signing people in if she could take a copy of the sample ballot. The lady said, "Of course dear." I asked her why she took it and she said it would be a piece of history some day.

iamcoyote said...

That's so neat, snark! I'm curious, does Snarkette understand the historic nature of this election? I got a Women for Obama bumper sticker, but didn't put it on my car, cos I want to save it, and of all people, my office godbot got her totally McCain hubby to get me one of the bigger yard signs. Didn't steal it out of a yard, but grabbed one of several on a road divider. It was such a loving thing to do, we all pride ourselves on being good friends despite being on opposite sides politically. It got tense when she started listening to Rush, but we all agreed that our friendship was more important than the shitflinging of the campaign. One of those "Awwww" moments, I'm sure.

snark said...

I think she does understand as much as she can for a 9 year old. They've definitely discussed the history of slavery in her classes so there's a beginning of an understanding of race issues. The fact that she's biracial also has given her a broader exposure to the subject. The primary battle between Obama and Clinton really was a good thing in the sense that it focused the discussion on the possibility of either the first black or the first female president. So that's certainly carried over into the general campaign. It's kinda cool that this will be her earliest memory of presidential politics.

iamcoyote said...

It's kinda cool that this will be her earliest memory of presidential politics.

It really is. Our kids won't have lived in a time where everything wasn't automated and computerized. They also won't remember a time when women and people of color weren't considered viable leaders. Last night, I saw that stupid Rev Wright commercial twice in the same show - Olberman, I think. Rather than anger making, it made me kinda shake my head at the silliness of it. Seems like an anachronism at this point. There are still people out there who will fall for it, but more people who just don't give a shit about that crap any more. I don't know if it was McCain's desperate delivery or whether times are really changing but none of the 'puke character attacks landed. Gives me a bit of hope.

The Masked Vigilante said...

Snarkette is the coolest. Now good luck explaining the electoral college to her. 8) In fact, have me over for dinner that night cuz I don't understand it either.

Check this out. Shopgirl voted, then stopped at Barnes & Noble on her way back to work.

The cashier hit her up for a donation to a school book program. Shopgirl declined because we're on a tight budget right now, and the cashier gave her a pissy look.

So Shopgirl emails me.

The cashier hits me up to donate money for some school book program -- I said no, maybe it was cheap, I dunno I didn't ask the price, but then she acted all judgemental of me afterwards. I'm sorry if I only have another 20 some bucks to BUY MY FN LUNCH the rest of this week, lady and if I decided to TREAT MYSELF to a stupid book, don't JUDGE me for not donating when I'm sure half my salary is ALREADY going to those kids via my taxes. Why is this permissable in a store where I am paying for their service -- why do I need to be hit up for charity there?

8) I love it when she invites me to go off on a libertarian rant. Which I won't bore you with here, unless demanded.

The Masked Vigilante said...

It's kinda cool that this will be her earliest memory of presidential politics.

My earliest memory was when Reagan was shot in '81. Jeff walked in the door, my parents told him what happened, and Jeff said:

"Good. I hope he dies."

My parents were furious, Jeff couldn't care less, a powerful man was gunned down...

I remember thinking, "Wow. This political shit is some serious high drama!"

I was 10.

The Masked Vigilante said...

Oh, they're messing with the wrong guy this time.

In New York City, actor Tim Robbins reported that his name was not on the register.

"I'm just waiting for an explanation. I want a real explanation, and I want that explanation for the hundreds and thousands of people in my district and throughout the city who are experiencing the same thing today," Robbins told CNN.

iamcoyote said...

Boy, it's like a carnival atmosphere on the tv. Polls close in VA soon. Cross your fingers!