Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Fookin' Printers, man.


The Masked Vigilante said...

Let it buffer before you play it. (Pause as soon as it starts.)

snark said...

How're those printers treating you this morning coyote?

Seven of Six said...

How're those printers treating you this morning coyote?

Shhh! She's working on one right now!

snark said...

Ok, so McCain/Palin wanna talk about "Socialism" and "redistribution of wealth?

Well then let's talk about these figures.

Conveniently, Alaska and Arizona are right next to each other so it's easy to see that the home states of both of the anti-spread the wealth candidates actually get more back from the federal government than they give. (Illinois and Delaware both get back much less than they give to the Feds) In fact, the data clearly shows a big redistribution of wealth from the most prosperous blue states to many of the poorest red states. 13 of the 15 states classified as "South" receive more than they contribute. The two exceptions being Florida and Texas and they only get back marginally less at .95 and .97 cents on the dollar respectively. Yet these are the very fuckers that McCain is appealing to with all his "redistribution of wealth" bullshit.

Seven of Six said...

I would have to argue that you really have to look at our per-capita federal spending number.
And I want to know where the hell it's going... it sure isn't going for the education of our children. We rank 49th in school spending. Which in my book is criminal.
Of course the Gov. could be using it for border control but more likely it's going to the military bases. And of course Sheriff Joe has his grubby fucking dirtbag hand in there.

snark said...

Sure, but the facts are the facts. The federal tax burden is a mechanism for redistributing the nations wealth to take care of the nations needs. So what McCain/Palin and all their supporters are saying is that this amounts to "socialism". They've got all their supporters saying "Let me keep mine!"

Country First.


snark said...

I know printers and per capita spending aren't as...titillating...as boobies but where the fuck is everyone?

snark said...

I have this fear that coyote caught a sleeve in the autofeeder on that troublesome printer and is now a series of neatly collated piles on her office floor.

The Masked Vigilante said...

LOVE the Income Tax. TOUCH it. LOVE it. And believe that fat percentage of your paycheck is going towards the needy in your state. Homeless shelters, public school enrichment, filling pot holes, etc.

Nah, it's all going towards the war. Is that Socialism? Fuck, that's not even a choice.

In a Socialist society, the most needy would benefit the most from the Income Tax. If that's what you want, that's not what you're getting.

So what if you don't like where your tax dollars are going? What if you refuse to pay? You will be tracked down and prosecuted. If you resist further, you get invaded by armed FBI agents.

So if you really step back and look at it, it's your money, you have no choice what gets done with it, but you have to pony up or face jail time. Essentially, you're being robbed at gunpoint.

That's not Socialism either. That's Fascism.

Here's what Socialism means to me. Snark and I are the same age, we work for the same business at the same level doing the same job with the same work performance and years of experience. We're both white dudes.

Under Socialism, if snark has 3 kids and I have none, then snark's paycheck should be higher than mine, because his "needs" exceed my own.

Imagine where THAT heads.

snark said...

So what if you don't like where your tax dollars are going? What if you refuse to pay? You will be tracked down and prosecuted. If you resist further, you get invaded by armed FBI agents.

Thanks G. Gordon Liddy.

I didn't say I loved it or that I had any delusion that the majority of it was going to "the needy".

Under Socialism, if snark has 3 kids and I have none, then snark's paycheck should be higher than mine, because his "needs" exceed my own.

Imagine where THAT heads.

We've got that. It's called the Child Tax Credit and it essentially makes my paycheck bigger than yours because I get a tax break that you don't because I have kids to take care of. The little money pits!

The Masked Vigilante said...

Thanks G. Gordon Liddy.

I remember the man, but don't get the reference.

We've got that. It's called the Child Tax Credit and it essentially makes my paycheck bigger than yours because I get a tax break that you don't because I have kids to take care of.

Oh, well we're already there. It's just a little more behind the scenes.

Oh well. Who is John Galt?

snark said...

I remember the man, but don't get the reference.

He said this;

If ATF agents attempt to curtail a citizen's gun ownership, Liddy counseled, "Well, if the Bureau of Alcohol Tobacco and Firearms comes to disarm you and they are bearing arms, resist them with arms. Go for a head shot; they're going to be wearing bulletproof vests."

Seven of Six said...

If ATF agents attempt to curtail a citizen's gun ownership, Liddy counseled, "Well, if the Bureau of Alcohol Tobacco and Firearms comes to disarm you and they are bearing arms, resist them with arms. Go for a head shot; they're going to be wearing bulletproof vests."

Exactly what David Koresh did in Waco... except he used a .50 Cal.

The Masked Vigilante said...

Okay. First of all, why we always gotta go with the lunatic fringe? Ron Paul would never condone shooting ATF agents in the head. You give me Liddy and Waco.

That's dirty pool.

Second, WHY does the idea of not paying income tax bring the lunatic fringe to mind?

On the New Hampshire ballot there's a vote on repealing the state income tax.

Is NH full of Liddies and Koreshes?

It's totally doable. You just have to get past the common myths.

iamcoyote said...

Didn't those guys kill a copier? I named that clip in 2 seconds. That's another one of those Say Anything movies, isn't it? My son raves about it, and I'm all, "Yawn." I preferred Clockwatchers, myself.

Not that copiers don't suck, too. Fuck 'em all.

The Masked Vigilante said...

Office Space. A cult classic. And I loved Clockwatchers too.

And it was a printer. Earlier in the movie, the guy in glasses slaps it, yelling "PC LOAD LETTER? What the fuck does THAT mean?"

snark said...

Didja ever have a copy machine that thought it knew better what you wanted it to do than you did?

We had a Canon in our old office that did. The day they came an hauled that thing off while we were packing up everyone stood and watched it go. Cursing it. Fucking piece of shit.

The Masked Vigilante said...

When I started this job, I was afraid of doing something to the computers that would cause other problems for other people. I was afraid of computers.

Now I've yet to find one that can do everything I want. Or do what I've told it to do continuously without being sabotaged by Microsoft.

I've had scanner problems where they're just not plugged in all the way. I come crawling out from under the desk and they're all amazed and so grateful that it's suddenly working!! What did you do, Magic Man???"

"Uh, I don't wanna get too technical, but I jiggled the cable."

One time I got called in 2 hours early because all the bigwigs were standing around a scanner in a local claims office. 6,7 guys standing around yammering about "We're going live today! If this thing isn't working, that's a deal breaker!"

There were VPs in the room. I saw the problem before I saw them. Fucking thing wasn't plugged in.

Everybody in that room makes at least twice my salary.

Funny old world.