Wednesday, October 15, 2008

The Blind Leading The Blind

Remember this dude? Mr. Potatoe Head? Well, he still gets media attention in Indiana, where he's from. Right now he's trying to help some former aide get the Indiana AG slot.

And he has some advice for Hockeymom!

Quayle, a relatively unknown senator from Indiana before he was chosen to run with President George H.W. Bush, said in Indianapolis Wednesday that the treatment Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin is receiving as John McCain's VP choice reminds him of his treatment 20 years ago.

Quayle said he thinks Palin has handled herself well in spite of a torrent of criticism of her experience and her responses during interviews. Quayle said he offered Palin advice on how to deal with the spotlight.

"I basically said, 'Look, just be yourself. You were selected by John McCain because of who you are and what you have done,'" Quayle said. "Don't let them take anything away from you. Just go out and be yourself."

"Be Yourself." That's great advice, Danny, but Sarah Palin isn't going on a blind date.

More appropriate advice would be "Be someone infinitely more qualified than yourself."


snark said...

So he's still a putz.


iamcoyote said...

I wouldn't have recognized him if you held a gun to my head. I'll bet he's happy, though. He's about to lose his "dumbest running mate in history" title to Palin.

It's really sad. My office godbot just loves her some Palin! It's sad because since everyone around her, including her family, say that Palin's a lying, stupid, scumbag, she's turned to Rush for comfort, and blares his show all day long, then Glenn Beck, then that Medved guy or some such. I guess it was too good to be true for a vehement born-again to keep walking the walk of Jesus 'steada Rush. They all go that way in the end, don't they? From Love to Hate because of an election.

Seven of Six said...

I'm so sick of repuke bullshit...

iamcoyote said...

I'm with you, SoS. It's amazing to watch people totally lie to themselves.

Seven of Six said...

The arguments I've had with family members and friends lately is unbelievable. They can't even discuss rationally that Obama isn't a Muslim, terrorist or some threatening, liberal, tax hiking, ignorant black man.

iamcoyote said...

Well, at least my godbot isn't trying to make those claims. She just thinks Palin is way cool. Sad.

snark said...

Fannie Mac?

Tee hee.

iamcoyote said...

Man, McCain is such a small, nasty man. It really comes through on tv.

The Masked Vigilante said...

I can't believe McCain retreated to "preconditions" again. That question has been answered in every debate.

Obama: I want a tax cut for families and small businesses that make less than $250,000. That's 95% of the population that will get a tax decrease.

McCain: I can't believe he wants to raise taxes on the middle class? Why raise taxes when we're in an economic crisis. Maverick.

I don't even know if these two are living in the same plane of existence.

And snark, I forgot about your drinking words until Obama said "fundamental" TWICE in the first minute of his closing remarks. Ouch!

Oh, one more thing. Last week I made the mistake of talking politics with my neocon father-in-law. But what really surprised me was when my mother--in-law jumped in to defend Sarah Palin.

The talking points were fast and furious.

"She's an outsider! She knows what it's like to have the responsibilities of raising a family -- she's one of us!"

"What's so great about Biden? He's been in the Senate 50 years; what's he ever done?"

Yadda yadda yadda. All I could do was slowly back away. Kinda like encountering a couple of Kodiak bears.

The Masked Vigilante said...

Hey, who is "Joe the Plumber" anyway? Is he one of those guys in the Pipe Wrench Fight in the Aha video?

iamcoyote said...

McCain played directly to the base who'll vote for him no matter what. Unfortunately, that's not enough to do anything but get him a gig on Fox.

iamcoyote said...

Heh. Joe's Pipe Wrench guy. Funny. I guess he was someone in a rope line that Obama spent a lot of time with.

The thing I kept thinking the whole time was that Obama talked about the issues and what he would do, and McCain relied only on his oppo research, which is mainly crap. It showed big time last night. All his answers included "that one" coupled with a bunch of garbage that didn't make sense. Loser!

The Masked Vigilante said...

Well at least he doesn't plaster on the make up like a trollop, you CUNT.

The freaky little arm movements too. I get that he can't raise above his shoulders, but can he LOWER his arms down to his side? He's constantly flailing his gimpy arms.

He's too fucking old. New Rule. If you're too old to get a job on Wall Street, you're too old to get a job on Pennsylvania Avenue.

(McCain's first interview on Wall Street)

Interviewer: John, how are your computer skills?

McRage: What the fuck did you... You go fuck yourself you little motherfucker. My computer skills? Fuck you, you pathetic little fuck. I was crashing planes before you were an itch in your daddy's pants! I oughta kick your fucking ass.

snark said...

Headline on the NY Post this morning, 3/4's page;


With some subheading that started with McCranky...

Too funny.

iamcoyote said...

Obama poked him, too, by saying "we can all concentrate on our hurt feelings, or we can focus on the issues." Ha!

The Masked Vigilante said...

I loved it when Obama started looking into the camera and talking directly to "Joe the Plumber."

McCain brought him up first, one of those stupid, "As I travel this great country, you wouldn't believe the people I meet..."

Fuck off. You're not meeting people. You're giving a speech, doing 10 minutes on the rope line, and you're back to the Ritz Carlton drinking vodka and punching holes in the wall.

iamcoyote said...

The Joe the Plumber stuff seemed dumb to me. McCain thought he was really clever with that whole thing - like I said, he didn't really answer any questions, he just attacked Obama. And looking at the stupid Men/Women meter at the bottom, the men liked the attacks for the most part, but the women hated them, and McCain.

The Masked Vigilante said...

the men liked the attacks for the most part, but the women hated them

That's what separates the men from the women, honeychild. We'd like this thing settled in a back-alley street fight. No rules. Winner gets the job. Loser bleeds to death on the curb.

We should've STARTED with that. That was the 49th fucking debate last night? As long as I don't count the GOP debates, which I mostly didn't watch, I still have some of my life left.

iamcoyote said...

We'd like this thing settled in a back-alley street fight.

I'll supply the guns and knives and alla you guys go at it, then the women can take over, and keep the maimed survivors as pets. Basically, who needs you all when I got my big black dildo to "talk" to!

Seven of Six said...

Basically, who needs you all when I got my big black dildo to "talk" to!

"A drunkard's dream... if I ever did see one."

Seven of Six said...

Hey Coyote, I guess the tongue lashing was true!

This just has to make the rounds the last 2 weeks and it's over!!

iamcoyote said...

Heh. My god, what a scary dude. Shakesville is posting that pic in every post. Funnier than shit!

The Masked Vigilante said...

How'd I miss that? And what the hell is he doing??

iamcoyote said...

That's his "oopsie" face. I knew a guy once who stuck his tongue out like that every time he made a joke. Totally grossed me out.