Tuesday, September 9, 2008

The Real McCain

Pass this one along too! 


iamcoyote said...

Hey, I was just coming to ask when the next cartoon will be!

iamcoyote said...

Gosh, I really like that one. I wonder if I should ask Erin to post it on TLC?

Seven of Six said...

Yes, I think you should ask Erin to post it.

iamcoyote said...

I dunno, the McCain ad saying Obama wants to teach kindergarten kids about sex is pretty insane.

The Masked Vigilante said...

I get this junk mail from Robert Greenwald and this latest one listed "The 5 McCain Videos Everyone Needs to See.

I haven't watched the other four.

2. Less Jobs. More Wars: What is this 'Iraq war' charge on my bill?

3. John McCain vs. John McCain: Tell McCain to get off the Double Talk Express.

4. McCain's Spiritual Guide: The video that caused McCain to renounce Rev. Rod Parsley's bigoted endorsement.

I dunno if there's anything good in them. I'll check them out later.

I was gonna do the new comic last night, but got wrapped up learning John Lennon songs on the guitar. Then I watched "Smart People", which was good despite Sarah Jessica Parker.

The little girl from "Juno" is a force of nature. She's in "Smart People" too.

iamcoyote said...

Never heard of Smart People. I may check it out. Haven't bothered with Juno yet, either. I just can't seem to sit down for the two hours it takes to watch a flick. Of course, Heroes is coming back soon, and I want to check out Fringe and The Mentalist which are on at the same time, dang it. Luckily, I'll finally have a DVR this week, so all will be well.

I'm stuck with jury duty today, too. I sure hope they don't pick me.

The Masked Vigilante said...

Are you on the O.J. case? Apparently, all you have to do is say you thought he got away with murder "the first time" and you'll be dismissed.

iamcoyote said...

Nah, it'll prolly be some damn traffic dispute. I'm gonna go in with beat up jeans and a GWAR tshirt.