Saturday, September 13, 2008


More evidence emerged today that further solidifies my sinking suspicion that marriage is meant for no one.

Bruddas and sistas, we have a growing trend where married couples no longer sleep in the same bed. Sleep apnea, differing schedules, snoring, and the jimmy leg are sending hubby or wifey to the couch, the guest room, and the recliner in the den. CNN has more.

A 2001 random telephone survey of 1,004 adults conducted by the National Sleep Foundation found that 12 percent of married Americans slept alone; a similar 2005 survey of 1,506 people found that number had jumped to 23 percent.

Why is this? Are sleep conditions worse now than they were in 2001? Or are we just getting sick of each other?

Paige Barr, 35, a New York City casting director, says she sleeps apart from her husband, Daniel Craft, 37, for two reasons: his sleep apnea and what Kramer on "Seinfeld" called "the jimmy leg."

"You know when you're just about to fall asleep and you jerk yourself awake? He does that like 36 times an hour for seven hours, 200 times a night," she says. "His hand will jerk or his leg will flail, plus he snores super loud."

Barr, who's lived with her husband, an online content provider, for five years, say they've never been able to sleep together.

"If I were forced to sleep with him, I would break up with him and kill myself," she says. "I need my sleep."

Paige and Daniel clearly have deeper problems that would be better handled by a qualified divorce attorney. Life is short, Paige. Take the medication or go. And just for the record, it would be 252 times a night. Not that math is going to help you right now.

But people are fucking stupid and enjoy making life much more difficult than it really is, which justifies the existence of whiny assholes like clinical psychologist and marriage counselor William F. Harley Jr. who has this to allow:

"Whenever I see a couple wanting private time -- they want to be alone, they want their own friends, they don't want to feel like they're joined at the hip -- my immediate question is, 'What is it about being together that bothers you?'" says Harley, author of "Love Busters: Overcoming the Habits that Destroy Romantic Love."

"My feeling is that sleeping together is a very, very important part of being integrated with each other."

"Love Busters!!!!" William, your wife feels like you're suffocating her. At least, I think that's what she said right before I Busted my Love in her hair last night. I keed.

Couldn't it just be that we, as individual human beings, just need a little fucking space? Marriage is designed to stifle individuality and, after a while, if individuality isn't rediscovered, the marriage suffocates and dies.

You have to be two people. One and one make two, not one. Pete Townshend had it completely wrong.

And I haven't even told you the coolest part yet. Check this out. Build your next house with two master bedrooms.

According to the National Association of Home Builders, there's been a steady increase in the number of requests for "two-master bedroom" homes since 1990, prompting the organization to predict that by 2015, 60 percent of all custom upscale homes will be built with two "owner suites."

BRILLIANT. I wish I had thought of it, coined it, patented it, and made a fortune off it.

Luckily, the far cooler and I guarantee you better looking than that putz Harley is Stephanie Coontz, author of "Marriage: A History" and director of research and public education at the Council on Contemporary Families, a nonprofit research organization. She says:

"In the early 20th century, there was this idea that when you were married, you shouldn't have a separate existence," she says. "But in the last 30 years, we've come up with something absolutely revolutionary that says there's more than one way to do marriage. ... People are saying there are lots of ways to have a happy marriage and even a good sex life."

Fuck, isn't it so refreshing when somebody says a thing that makes sense? Not that she gets into specifics, but "marriage" as you know it? It's an endangered instituition. It's dying a slow and agonizing death. Let it go. It wants to go.

Married guys, imagine having your own "owner suite". I leave you with that thought.

One love.


iamcoyote said...

Alls I can say is, "I'm glad I'm not your wife." Cos all this protesting would really make me uncomfortable!

But I agree with your sentiments. Marriage is a social construct used to keep women down! Abolish it now, and require licenses for raising children instead.

The Masked Vigilante said...

My wife and I have these discussions all the time. If we hated each other, we'd be first in line for the big D.

I just cringe every time I hear of another couple getting married. It IS used to keep women down. I don't recognize the authority of the institution or the god spokesman who performs the ceremony. It's all just a legal headache that keeps people together much longer than they should be. It ruins lives.

Don't abolish it, just make it harder to get married. At least as hard as it is to get divorced. Plus maybe an obstacle course or something.

Anonymous said...

"If it keep on rainin', the levee gonna break"

-- Bob Dylan

Anyone see Tina Fey do Palin on SNL?

The Masked Vigilante said...

Anyone see Tina Fey do Palin on SNL?

Gonna have to YouTube it after work. Everybody's talking about it.

iamcoyote said...

I saw some of it, yawn. I'm waiting for Daily Show to come back and take down Palin. If we survive this Black Monday thing going on, of course.

The Masked Vigilante said...

Yeah. If I wanted to, I could pretty much watch my 401k flush down the toilet right about now.

iamcoyote said...

So, I read earlier that Jeb Bush was an economic adviser to Lehman Bros. And that Lehman Bros. were in charge of pensions in Florida? Anyone else see this? I can't find it again. If so, that's could bring FL to Obama, don'tcha think?

snark said...

The client from hell's husband is a Lehman Bros. bigwig.

[big shiteatin' grin]

iamcoyote said...

How cool, snark. At least they'll have a pretty window to jump out of, huh?

The Masked Vigilante said...

"Hillary" on SNL:

"And in conclusion, I invite the media to grow a pair. And if they can't, you can borrow mine."

Pretty cool.

iamcoyote said...

Okay, I watched the whole sketch and I have to say I didn't really like it.

Tina Fey has Palin down pat. It's genius. It's Palin, only way more attractive. And that's why I don't like it. Nor did I like the portrayal of Clinton as the hysterical bitter woman even though the sketch itself tells a bitter truth: the dumb bimbo will always go further than the smart girl. The trouble with being the smart girl is you find that kind of coquetry beneath you, smarts should be good enough, and then resent it when some dumb bimbo gets ahead by using it. digby talked about this earlier this week - why the reaction to Palin from feminists (real ones) has been so sharp and vehement. Running a bimbo in the place of the smart girl not only hurts Hillary, but all women, because it's a slap in the face to those working hard all their lives to be good enough and smart enough. I know that's what the skit was meant to get across, but I wish they didn't have to make Hillary so unhinged. She could have been cool and contemptuous, IMO.

Yeah, I chuckled, but it left a bad taste in my mouth at the end, because it seemed more an attack on Hillary than an indictment of the bimbo.